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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2005-07-19 Spirit Rock 47:59
Sharon Salzberg

2005-07-18 On Turning 60 64:00
Jack Kornfield
The Mystery of Incarnation, The Lessons of Time, & the Dharma Path
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-07-17 Meditation Overview 57:35
Joseph Goldstein

2005-07-16 Satipatthana Vipassana Bhavana 57:21
Kamala Masters
Satipatthana is the method of mindfulness. Vipassana is the knowledge that comes thru the cultivation of mindfulness practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2005-07-16 Cultivating A Wholesome And Cheerful Attitude In Life 46:38
Fred Von Allmen
Bringing the qualities of compassion, generosity, humor and joy into our daily life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2005-07-14 An Appropriate Response 55:10
Guy Armstrong
Lovingkindness and the other brahma viharas show us the possibility of an appropriate response to the joys and sorrows of life. The practice of mudita for oneself leads to the beautiful state of gratitude.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-07-12 The Heart of Buddhist Meditation 47:14
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2005-07-12 Disturbing Emotions: Poison Or Food For Wisdom 39:20
Fred Von Allmen
How to skillfully relate to unwholesome and disturbing emotions and see them as opportunities for insight.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2005-07-12 The Metta Sangha, The Metta Sutta 53:35
Sylvia Boorstein
This talk celebrates the importance of community as a support for practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-07-11 Four Stages of Awakening 43:04
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

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