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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2004-08-27 Second Foundation - Real Revolutionaries 55:24
Noah Levine

2004-08-27 Guided Metta Meditation: IV 40:28
Narayan Helen Liebenson
The fourth in a series of five talks/guided sessions of Metta Meditation. This one focuses on the difficult person and includes self, benefactor, good friend and neutral categories as well.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2004-08-26 Caught by Humans, Non-humans, Sense Desire 66:47
Ariya B. Baumann
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge August 2004 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2004-08-26 Guided Metta Meditation: III 31:37
Narayan Helen Liebenson
This is the third in a series of guided meditation sessions. In this talk/guided session, metta is extended towards oneself, one's benefactor, a good friend and a person who is neutral.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2004-08-26 A Path Of Awareness: Wide And Deep 42:22
Michael Grady
The all-inclusive nature of practice and the unfolding of insight.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2004-08-25 Mindfulness and Daily Life III 57:57
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2004-08-25 Mindfulness in Daily Life 58:14
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2004-08-24 Guided Metta Meditation: II 31:24
Narayan Helen Liebenson
This is the second in a series of four talks/guided meditations on the practice of Loving Kindness. This one focuses on the benefactor and includes oneself.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2004-08-24 Sutta Class 2 - Samma Sankappa 1:34:44
Ajahn Sucitto

2004-08-24 The Third Foundation Of Mindfulness: Mental States 44:39
Michael Grady
Including thought, emotions, reaction in the field of mindfulness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

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