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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2001-08-17 You Are The Path: An Overview Of The Eightfold Path 53:05
Eugene Cash
How do we live? How do we embody the teachings? This talk offers an explanation and overview of the Eightfold Path, as well as reflections on the path as the embodiment of the Dharma. To come into alignment with the Path is to come into alignment with our own nature.

2001-08-16 The Inner Journey 49:33
Robert K. Hall
A poetic description of the landscape of subtle awareness.

2001-08-16 Jump Into Beingness 50:13
Sharda Rogell
We journey together during the talk to awaken into trust of the universal now.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2001-08-15 Mana: The Comparing Mind 1:14:04
Sally Armstrong

2001-08-14 Rambling about Mindfulness 59:37
Steve Armstrong
Maui, Hi

2001-08-13 Simplicity And Sympathy 47:58
Jack Kornfield
The spirit of simplicity, presence and sympathy of heart can carry us through the most difficult and beautiful of times.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2001-08-12 The Invitation 48:53
Sharda Rogell
This talk invites us to use what is difficult in our lives to enhance our practice. Compassion awakens within us through opening our hearts to the challenging and painful. Approaching obstacles with a receptive attitude, we can enter into life with more courage and strength, and a deeper sense of connection

2001-08-12 Paramis Series #2: Morality 54:13
Steve Armstrong
Respect, modesty, conscience are all the protectors of social harmony.
Maui, Hi

2001-08-12 The Invitation 50:13
Sharda Rogell
An invitation to use adversaries to enhance our practice. This is the path to compassion. This talk invites us to use what is difficult in our lives to enhance our practice. Compassion awakens within us through opening our hearts to the challenging and painful. Approaching obstacles with a receptive attitude, we can enter into life with more courage and strength, and a deeper sense of connection
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2001-08-11 The Four Noble Truths 54:46
Steve Armstrong
This talk offers core teachings from the Buddhist tradition. The Four Noble Truths express the Buddha's realizations of essential truths of life. These important points on suffering and the end of suffering are illuminated, as well as how we can apply them in practice.

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