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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2003-06-21 The Meditative Journey: Why Do We Practice? 60:30
Joseph Goldstein
Calming the mind, collecting the attention, overcoming difficulties, and seeing with wisdom.
Garrison Institute

2003-06-21 The Meditative Journey: Why Do We Practice? 55:48
Joseph Goldstein
Calming the mind, collecting the attention, overcoming difficulties, and seeing with wisdom.
Garrison Institute

2003-06-21 On Being Free From Conditioning 49:49
Michele McDonald
Developing curiosity and the light within us.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2003-06-21 Cultivating Insight & Calm 55:21
Myoshin Kelley
Working with the breath, we can cultivate both calm and insight. This talk explores ways we can strengthen concentration as a support to insight, through working with the breath.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2003 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2003-06-20 Radiance 47:31
Sharda Rogell
Gaia House Retreat with Sharda Rogell

2003-06-19 Tolerating the Inconceivable 45:30
Catherine McGee
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-06-19 On Being Born 60:07
Michele McDonald
Freedom, forgiveness, joy and doubt: developing spiritual strength in this human world.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2003-06-18 Wisdom 48:14
Sharda Rogell
Gaia House Retreat with Sharda Rogell

2003-06-18 Tibetan Buddhist Teaching 52:44
Lama Palden
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-06-18 Sacred Presence: Awakening From The Dream 53:44
Tara Brach
This talk investigates the skillful means that help us open beyond our conditioned cocoon of thoughts and to realize the freshness, tenderness and boundlessness of our true nature.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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