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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-08-27 Loving This Moment (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:50
Eugene Cash
This is the only moment there is! This is your life Now! What happens if you give yourself to that truth? What happens is we let go of everything else except Being here right now. We discover the magic of reality revealing itself in this moment. To love the moment includes all the variants of love: liking, appreciating, caring for, wondering about, become enthralled or magnetized by, curious about & illuminated by Now.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving Awareness: Meeting Reality with Wisdom and Kindness

2022-08-27 Short Guided Metta Meditation 6:57
Leigh Brasington
Gaia House Jhanas, Insight, and Dependent Origination

2022-08-28 We can train our minds to go deeper 37:29
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation
Sacramento Insight Meditation

2022-08-28 Reflection on Death as a Protection from Ignorance 28:14
Ayya Santacitta
Sacramento Insight Meditation

2022-08-28 The Six Elements & Emergent Response 29:55
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2022-08-28 06 instructions: mindfulness of breathing 18:32
Jill Shepherd
Exploring different approaches to mindfulness of breathing, to support stability of mind (samādhi) or more refined awareness (sati)
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-08-28 07 meditation: mindfulness of breathing 27:24
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by steadying awareness on the simple rhythm of breathing, then refining mindfulness on the details of the breath
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-08-28 08 instructions: continuity of mindfulness 8:24
Jill Shepherd
How continuity of mindfulness supports deepening awareness
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-08-28 The Joy of Renunciation - Meditation 41:27
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-08-28 The Joy of Renunciation - Talk 39:20
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

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