The greatest gift is the gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
Guided meditation on the breath, Dhamma talk on the 'dark sage'
Bhante Sujato
Guided meditation on the breath; peace of mind as a natural state. Dhamma talk on the disruptive and mysterious figure of the 'dark sage' with reference to three people in the suttas: Nālaka, Asito Devala, Ambaṭṭha. Discussion of this archetype, racism in the suttas, the three figures and their attempts to problematise caste.
Lokanta Vihara
Attached Files:
Nālakasutta (Snp 3.1)
by suttacentral.net
Ambaṭṭhasutta (DN 3)
by suttacentral.net
Assalāyanasutta (MN 93)
by suttacentral.net
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.2.3
by suttacentral.net