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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1999-09-14 Non Meditating 1:15:30
Ajahn Amaro
Genuine acceptance of our experiences means a spaciousness and ease around even the most difficult states that allows for their transformation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-14 Fully Alive- Awakening Through Embodiment 61:27
Tara Brach
The Buddha's teachings on mindfulness begin with mindfulness of our body. By cultivating embodied awareness, we develop the capacity for presence and awakening through all realms of experience.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

1999-09-14 Essential Dhamma #5: Anatta 1:12:09
Steve Armstrong
what is not "I", "me", "mine"?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-13 Cessation Of Consciousness II 55:35
Ajahn Amaro
A continued follow up of Q and A, from the Cessation of Consciousness I talk.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-13 Essential Dhamma #4: Four Noble Truths 60:44
Steve Armstrong
Dukkha: pain unsatisfactoriness, vulnerability; craving: the cause; nibbana: the cessation; morality, concentration and wisdom: the path.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-12 Cessation Of Consciousness I Followed By Q And A 58:16
Ajahn Amaro
Suffering results from a confused relationship of the mind to its own experience; when we see the way things actually are, we connect with a profound freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-12 Essential Dhamma #3: The Good Fortune Of Mindfulness 60:46
Steve Armstrong
the essential dhamma
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-11 The Place Of Non Abiding II Followed By Q And A 51:16
Ajahn Amaro
Learning to recognize moments of isness, or pure, open presence in our quiet, often overlooked moments when no sense of self has arisen.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

1999-09-11 Essential Dhamma #2: Three Pillars Of Dhamma 59:48
Steve Armstrong
generosity, ethical conduct, mental development
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-09-10 The Place Of Non Abiding I 57:18
Ajahn Amaro
Exploring the spaciousness of mind that comes when we let go of our belief in the solidity of the sense world, when we know the mind as the space in which all this drama is happening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dzogchen Retreat

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