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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2001-03-11 Patience And Expectation 48:03
Narayan Helen Liebenson
Defining patience, its place in practice, and the connection between patience and expectation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2001-03-10 Accessing The Dharma 42:33
Rodney Smith
Recognizing the specific orientation toward life that we develop when accessing the Dharma.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2001-03-08 The Retreat Experience: Why Intensive Practice? 58:42
James Baraz
Why do people go on intensive silent retreats? What is the process one goes through and how does it change us? This talk explores understanding how the retreat experience works?
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2001-03-08 Guided Forgiveness Meditation And Forgiveness Dharma Talk 51:01
Marie Mannschatz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2001-03-07 Presence and Action 60:59
Donald Rothberg

2001-03-05 Vipassana & Devotion 62:23
Lama Palden
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2001-03-05 Using Retreat Form Wisely 55:53
Anna Douglas
Experiencing retreats as an expression of the Middle Way in order to cultivate insight into the nature of consciousness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2001-03-04 Spontaneity 53:54
Sharda Rogell
Gaia House Retreat with Sharda Rogell

2001-03-03 Meditation as a Path of Healing 47:02
Sharda Rogell
Gaia House Retreat with Sharda Rogell

2001-03-02 Start Where You Are 45:35
Sharda Rogell
Gaia House Retreat with Sharda Rogell

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