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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2001-03-01 Metta Sutta 60:54
Sylvia Boorstein
A reading and discussion of the Lovingkindness Sutta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2001-03-01 Metta With Guided Metta Meditation 1:17:59
Marie Mannschatz
Learning how loving ourselves is a central part of spiritual practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2001-03-01 Spontaneity- Why Nothing Can Be Different In This Instant 48:13
Sharda Rogell
The only thing fixed in the universe is our perception; everything else is already free. How do we transform our sense of stuckness?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2001-02-28 Born to Win 58:00
Sylvia Boorstein

2001-02-27 Renunciation And Peace 49:12
Mark Coleman
This talk explores how the practice of letting go-- in relationship to desire, aversion, control, spiritual materialism and sense experience-- can facilitate greater freedom in our lives.

2001-02-26 Wise Mindfulness 58:02
Jack Kornfield

2001-02-26 Wise Mindfulness 49:32
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2001-02-24 Spiritual Passion: The Iddhipadas (Bases Of Power) 59:49
James Baraz
Passion is often considered to be an unspiritual quality, but if used wisely, actually is the basis of spiritual power. What are the four sources of passion that motivate our spiritual practice?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2001-02-23 Papanca 50:00
Sally Armstrong
Based on the Honey Ball Sutta, this talk is an exploration of papanca, a Pali word meaning proliferation of thought in the mind. Mental proliferation leads into the creation of self and into craving and comparing, as well as holding on to views and opinions.

2001-02-21 Patience 64:28
Sylvia Boorstein

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