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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1998-04-14 Thinking 65:33
Ajahn Amaro
We don't have to get rid of thinking in order to meditate. There is no problem with thinking in and of itself, but only in how we sometimes relate to it. This talk explores the role and nature of conceptual thought, how to relate to it skillfully, as well as acknowledging the value and right use of reflective thinking.

1998-04-12 Desire And Becoming 64:09
Ajahn Amaro
Ultimate and conventional reality; the workings of dependent origination.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Buddhist Contemplations (9 days)

1998-04-12 In The Seen, There Is Only The Seen 57:55
Carol Wilson
Understanding the nature of perception, insight, and how we construct our world with our thoughts.

1998-04-11 Awareness Of Feelings 58:15
Jack Kornfield
knowing the pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feelings within our hearts and minds
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-04-10 Convention And Liberation 65:27
Ajahn Amaro
Finding the peaceful heart through the skillful use of convention.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Buddhist Contemplations (9 days)

1998-04-07 Five Hindrances 60:48
Carol Wilson

1998-04-07 The Five Hindrances 59:24
Carol Wilson
Cultivating a living response to a living question--what is the truth of this moment?
In collection: Foundations Of Practice

1998-04-04 Healing 43:56
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1998-04-04 The Four Noble Truths And Breath Awareness 48:49
Larry Rosenberg
the link between the Four Noble Truths and Anapanasati is pointed out

1998-04-03 Four Heavanly Messengers 43:47
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

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