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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1993-03-06 Five Spiritual Faculties: Mind 49:12
Steve Armstrong
Recognizing the light of confidence, effort, mindfulness, concentration and calm.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: Foundations Of Practice

1993-03-03 Four Ultimate Realities #3 1:34:56
Steve Armstrong
date estimated

1993-03-02 Four Ultimate Realities #2 62:22
Steve Armstrong
date estimated

1993-03-01 Four Ultimate Realities #1 1:37:31
Steve Armstrong
date estimated

1993-02-22 Who Are You, Wanderer? 60:01
Jack Kornfield
Accepting and honoring the totality of ourselves.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1993-02-19 Chanting 27:27
Ajahn Candasiri
Ajahn Candasiri leads women's voices in chanting the songs of practice. (Exact date uncertain.)
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 9 Day Retreat with Amaravati Teachers

1993-02-05 Das Leben des tibetischen Lamas Geshe Rabten 1:19:27
Fred Von Allmen
Abwendung vom Samsara – Hingabe an das Dharma
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

1993-01-29 Practice in the World 56:48
Joseph Goldstein

1993-01-29 Practice in the World 52:47
Joseph Goldstein

1993-01-25 Introduction To Vipassana Practice 53:29
Sylvia Boorstein
embracing the interrelationship between vipassana and metta practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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