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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2024-07-15 Talk 7 - Day 4 Morning Guided Mudita meditation 42:53
Tina Rasmussen
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Heart Practices: Purification of the Heart

2024-07-14 Tranquility and insight 50:31
Guy Armstrong
The Buddha talked about tranquility and insight as, two primary developments in meditation practice. The two might have slightly different styles of practice, but each benefits the other.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Unification of Mind: Concentration Retreat

2024-07-14 Samadhi, A Collected Stable Heart and Mind - Week 2 - Meditation 33:09
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-07-14 Talk 5 - Day 3 Morning - Guided Karuna meditation 44:30
Tina Rasmussen
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Heart Practices: Purification of the Heart

2024-07-13 Evening Puja, Meditation and Dhamma Teaching (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 2:42:58
Ajahn Amaro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-13 Calm and Insight 1:52:51
Ayya Santussika
This Dhamma talk, Guided Meditation and Q&A was offered on July 13th, 2024 for East Bay Dhamma.
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2024-07-13 Talk 3 - Day 2 Morning - Guided Metta meditation 27:30
Tina Rasmussen
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Heart Practices: Purification of the Heart

2024-07-12 Exploring the Three Characteristics - Meditation 27:32
Tuere Sala
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-07-11 Evening Puja, Meditation and Dhamma Teaching (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:50:40
Jill Satterfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-10 Meditation: A Listening Presence (20 min.) 19:59
Tara Brach
The receptivity of listening awakens us to the living stream of life. This meditation guides us in listening to sounds, and then listening to and feeling the aliveness of our bodies and the movement of the breath. We close with a simple offering of lovingkindness to our inner life and our world. “Resting with the breath as a raft might rest and move with the waves…” ~ Tara
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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