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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1988-01-04 Transcendental Dependent Arising - Questions 1:21:26
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Mount Mary Immaculate, Lafayette, California) 1988 Retreat at Mount Mary

1988-01-03 Transcendental Dependent Arising, Joy, Questions - Loving Kindness 1:14:15
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Gampo Abbey) Retreat @ Gampo

1988-01-03 Metta - Purification of the Heart - Questions - Loving Kindness Meditation 64:11
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Mount Mary Immaculate, Lafayette, California) 1988 Retreat at Mount Mary

1988-01-02 Transcendental Dependent Arising - Questions - Loving Kindness Meditation 64:08
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Gampo Abbey) Retreat @ Gampo

1988-01-02 Dependent Arising - Questions 1:27:54
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Mount Mary Immaculate, Lafayette, California) 1988 Retreat at Mount Mary

1988-01-01 The Bodhisattva Ideal 46:58
Christopher Titmuss
bringing beauty, dignity, and respect for life through realizing our potential for awareness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1988-01-01 A Small Voice Of Concern 47:12
Christopher Titmuss
nurturing our active love of the world by opening our eyes to what we see and still keeping a generous, growing spirit alive
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1988-01-01 The Teachings, Not The Teacher 47:25
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1988-01-01 Form Is Emptiness 42:12
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1988-01-01 Emptiness Is Form - India 42:04
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

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