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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1988-01-01 Do We Need A Teacher 48:31
Christopher Titmuss
(incomplete) a discussion of the traditional and contemporary roles of spiritual teachers; examining the usefulness of a student/teacher relationship in the contemplative life
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1988-01-01 Freedom From The Known And The Unknoen 47:10
Christopher Titmuss
West Germany

1988-01-01 Mindfulness Of Views And Opinions 51:54
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1988-01-01 Training The Inner Child 62:01
Jack Kornfield
seeing the connection between raising children, our own inner child and practicing meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1988-01-01 The Importance Of Being Aware Of Feelings 63:25
Jack Kornfield
seeing how nourishing ourselves on all levels--body, mind, emotions, and spirit--leads to awareness
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1988-01-01 Asking The Hard Questions 61:13
Jack Kornfield
Is this the right path for me? Should I practice longer--or look deeper? ...examining the practice of meditation through the questions that come up
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1988-01-01 Connecting Practice With Your Deepest Love 67:05
Jack Kornfield
understanding the roles of joy, sorrow, and emptiness as we learn to ask the heart which way to go
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1988-01-01 From Control to Creativity 35:43
Sharda Rogell
Exact date unknown.

1988-01-01 Traveling Lightly 39:43
Christopher Titmuss
releasing the burdens of our relationship to possessions, people and ourselves so we may fully appreciate the uncomplicatedness of life

1988-01-01 Peace Within - Meditation instructions (Melbourne 87 & WBD Jan 88) 1:31:11
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Melbourne, Australia)
In collection: Lectures By Ven. Ayya Khema

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