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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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1994-07-25 Recognizing Suffering 49:45
Anna Douglas
acknowledging the unavoidable pain within life
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1994-02-05 Intention 52:39
Sylvia Boorstein
This Dharma talk given at the beginning of a metta retreat, notes that this is a practice of intention. It asks, "What are our goals? Where are we going with it?" Sylvia reminds us to be mindful of our intention in practice. Clarity of intention is a motivator of zeal. It can help us see where we are going. It can also fortify and strengthen our practice, helping us see through the painful resistance to loving. Sylvia shares some candid stories of her own beginning practice with some suggestions for enhancing our practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In collection: Complete Metta Retreat

1993-09-25 Holding Our Pain 54:44
Arinna Weisman

1993-05-20 Pain, Impermanence, The Four Elements 63:58
Sayadaw U Janaka
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1993-01-01 Making Contact 43:28
Christopher Titmuss
exploring the effects of painful, neutral and pleasurable experiences upon our lives
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 9 Day New Year Retreat w/ Jack Kornfield

1992-05-23 Ending Personal Pain 47:43
Arinna Weisman

1992-03-23 Pleasure, Pain, Joy 35:21
Narayan Helen Liebenson
opening to all experiences in an intimate way
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1991-06-22 49 Physical Pain / Mental Distress 59:40
Sayadaw U Pandita
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Two Month Retreat

1991-02-03 The Four Noble Truths And The Eight Fold Path 53:35
Sylvia Boorstein
Using Buddha's unique response to the fundamental problem of human existence--pain, change, loss--to face the truth about how life really is.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1990-10-19 Balance Of Perception 51:53
Carol Wilson
balancing our perceptions so we can simultaneously open to the painful and difficult, as well as to the beautiful and perfect

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