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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-06-22 Dharma Talk 48:15
Caroline Jones
The five hindrances and similes.
Gaia House Creative, Living Dharma: practising with the similes of the Buddha

2022-06-22 Q&A 40:09
Ajahn Sucitto
00:00 You said the citta is concerned with security and nourishment and that it was not personal. Is that before conditioning or before birth? (00:00 Vous avez dit que le citta concerne la sécurité et la nourriture et que ce n'était pas personnel. Est-ce avant le conditionnement ou avant la naissance ?)
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being

2022-06-22 Practicing with Polarization, Differences, and Conflict: Six Basic Practices 68:22
Donald Rothberg
In the context of increased political polarization in the United States and many other places, we look at how, in so many settings, whether the larger political situation, or social change organizations, or spiritual communities, there is very often a lack of skill in working with differences and conflicts. We examine some of the roots of why being with differences and conflicts is hard, including widespread social conditioning to be either conflict-avoidant or conflict-indulgent, and several other core roots. We then suggest six basic practices which address these roots, including: (1) being willing to open to and explore differences and conflicts, (2) empathy, (3) working with views, (4) working with reactivity and difficult emotions, (5) wise speech, and (6) heart practices. The invitation to listeners is to practice these six (or some of the six) for the next period of time!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-06-22 Instructions-meditation 11:43
Ajahn Sucitto
Developing the experience of the inner body, the quality of body and mental feelings - being more aware of inner joy, confidence and wisdom. (Développer l'expérience du corps intérieur, la qualité des sensations corporelles et mentales - être plus conscient de la joie intérieure, de la confiance et de la sagesse. )
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being

2022-06-22 Morning Instructions 48:45
Caroline Jones
Similes of mindfulness.
Gaia House Creative, Living Dharma: practising with the similes of the Buddha

2022-06-22 The Indriyas 66:06
Ajahn Sucitto
The five indriya are intimate allies that allow for a full and profound liberation - faith, persistence, mindfulness, concentration and discernment. They are conditioned but help us to cultivate the path towards the unconditioned. (Les cinq Indriya sont des alliés intimes qui permettent une libération pleine et profonde - foi, persévérance, pleine conscience, concentration et discernement. Ils sont conditionnés mais nous aident à cultiver le chemin vers l'inconditionné. )
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Energy as a means of liberation and well-being

2022-06-22 First foundation guided meditation 48:53
JoAnna Hardy
Morning sit with full guidance through the breath, posture, elements, and parts
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Retreat

2022-06-22 Morning Sit with Instructions: Using Questions to Support Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:35
Andrea Fella
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating Awareness and Wisdom

2022-06-22 Calling on the Love of Our Queer Ancestors 60:08
Lama Rod Owens
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spirit Rock - Rainbow Sangha

2022-06-21 Not booked, not busy, just not coming: body wisdom 37:21
JoAnna Hardy
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Retreat

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