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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2022-02-10 talk: Sangha as refuge 22:35
Jill Shepherd
Weaving together themes of dāna or generosity, mettā or kindness, and kalyanamitta or dharma friendship as supports for creating and maintaining a healthy sangha or community
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2022

2022-02-10 meditation: metta infusion 25:23
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by attuning to the body, then listening to the heart, and inviting a sense of warmth and kindness that can be suffused through the whole being
Auckland Insight Meditation Auckland Insight weekly talks 2022

2022-02-10 Guided Meditation 45:44
Nathan Glyde
Metta with a dash of Anicca.
Gaia House Easing into the Middle Way

2022-02-09 Metta & Agape sind das Resultat eines alchemischen Prozesses 57:35
Ayya Santacitta
Vortrag & Geführte Meditation | Die Vier Schutz-Meditationen 2/2
ÖBR Theravada Schule Wien

2022-02-07 Metta for Easy Beings, Difficult Beings, and All Beings (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 49:54
JD Doyle
Guided Metta meditation that begins with an overview of working with difficult or challenging people. Meditation explores the cultivation of Metta, starting with easy beings, moving to difficult beings and ending with all beings.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-02-01 Guided Meditation 44:24
Zohar Lavie
Metta to sensations.
Gaia House Lingering in Happiness

2022-01-31 Lightly Guided Metta Meditation 44:32
Nathan Glyde
Easy and neutral relationships, and in relationship to oneself.
Gaia House Lingering in Happiness

2022-01-31 Metta for self, easy being, neutral being, and difficult being 48:17
Kristina Bare
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Befriending the World through Mindfulness

2022-01-30 Metta and compassion for self. 45:59
Kristina Bare
When Metta meets suffering it naturally transforms into compassion
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Befriending the World through Mindfulness

2022-01-29 Guided Metta Meditation 44:24
Nathan Glyde
Cultivating goodwill.
Gaia House Lingering in Happiness

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