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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-11-23 Guided meditation - Breathing whole body 16:43
Ajahn Sucitto
Establishing a firm foundation and upright posture, breathing in, breathing out. Let the exhalation drain the tired, stressed energy; let the inhalation refresh embodied energy. Put attention where it needs to go to facilitate breathing in and out through the whole body.
Bodhi College Breathing to Liberation (Ānāpāṇasati)

2021-11-23 The Interplay Between Samatha and Vipassana 47:28
Calm and Insight; contemplating supports for samadhi (unification of heart). Vitakka (directed thought), vicara (exploring, receptive attention), piti (joy), sukha (ease). Guided Meditation through 16 steps of Anapanasati Sutta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Journey into Refuge, Presence, and Love

2021-11-23 Q&A 38:29
Ajahn Sucitto
00:35 How to work with painful memories; 08:33 Difference between pīti and sukha; 11:06 Style and benefits of your QiGong; 15:51 Awareness of bodily energies and sensations; 23:27 Feeling body from the inside vs. outside; 25:40 Which practices are precursors of satipaṭṭhāna practices; 27:43 How to shift from (uncomfortable) sensation to energy; 30:51 Reflective capacity of citta; 34:51 Mindfulness with pleasant but faint sensation; 36:57 Drowsiness with samādhi.
Bodhi College Breathing to Liberation (Ānāpāṇasati)

2021-11-23 Sutta + right view, attitude, mindfulness 62:42
Ajahn Sucitto
An overview of the Ānāpānasati Sutta, the first three tetrads having to do with samatha – steadying and opening the energies of body and – and the fourth having to do with vipassana – onlooking, contemplating what samatha brings to light. Right view, right attitude, right mindfulness are the guiding factors.
Bodhi College Breathing to Liberation (Ānāpāṇasati)

2021-11-22 True Peace Is Not Far Away 53:02
The revelatory power of contemplating change, unreliability, and not self. What robs the heart of well being? Recognizing hindrances as teachers. Letting go.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Journey into Refuge, Presence, and Love

2021-11-22 Week 6, Part 1 56:27
Juha Penttilä
Chandrakirti and the Middle Way
Gaia House Exploring Anatta (online series)

2021-11-22 Week 6, Part 2 30:16
Juha Penttilä
A Guided Meditation, and Teachings
Gaia House Exploring Anatta (online series)

2021-11-22 Gratitude and Generosity Meditation | Monday Night 27:23
Jack Kornfield
Like the waves of the ocean, the breath rises and falls. Bring loving awareness to the breath. Shift your attention from the breath to all the sensations in your body. With mindful loving awareness, notice the whole field of sensations. If there are areas of pain or stiffness, bow to them and hold them with kindness. Hold them as you would a child who is going through a hard time. Notice how this kind loving awareness allows for the tension and knots to soften in their own way. Now as an expression of gratitude, say thank you to your own body for caring so much, for holding so much as you move through the days and nights. Tell your body, “I’m ok just now—you can relax. You can rest.” Now bring your attention to your heart that carries so much. Notice all that your heart has been holding: longings, fear, love, worry, frustration, excitement, sadness, appreciation, doubt, deep love. Say thank you to your heart for caring so much, for trying to help and protect you. Tell your heart, “I’m ok just now—you can relax. You can rest.” Let your heart be at ease. Now bring your attention to your mind that produces a stream of thoughts, images, pictures, plans, memories, ideas. Feel the energy of the mind, creative, sometimes obsessed, analyzing, exploring, opening. Say thank you for working so hard to take care of you, to protect you. Tell your mind, “I’m ok just now—you can relax. You can rest.” Notice that you’re not your body, feelings, thoughts. You are the loving witness, you are consciousness itself. You are the loving awareness that acknowledges the body, heart and mind. Relax into loving awareness. You are the silent, vast witness to it all.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-11-22 Gratitude and Generosity Dharma Talk | Monday Night Talk 46:36
Jack Kornfield
Gratitude is a gracious acknowledgment of all that sustains us, a bow to our blessings, great and small. Gratitude is the confidence in life itself. In it, we feel how the same force that pushes grass through cracks in the sidewalk invigorates our own life. Gratitude does not envy or compare. Gratitude receives in wonder the myriad offerings of rain and sunlight, the care that supports every single life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-11-22 Guided meditation - Receiving the gift 44:35
Ajahn Sucitto
Tuning in to ground, space and breathing, send messages of safety and comfort, stillness and ease to your internal environment. What your citta lingers on becomes the dominant theme. This is why it’s possible to experience happiness in this crazy world. Receive the gift of abiding in the simplicity of the given.
Bodhi College Breathing to Liberation (Ānāpāṇasati)

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