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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2024-02-13 Receiving Metta from the Earth 42:28
Devon Hase
Teachings on Brahma Vihara practice and guided Receiving Care meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living Dharma: Essential Teachings for Our Times

2024-02-13 Q&A 49:32
Ajahn Sucitto
00:13 Q1 How can one develop self-love without being accused of being selfish? 08:33 Q2 How can I cope with repeating pain in the shoulders or back and strong surging of energy? Should one change position? 14:45 Q2 What is the purpose of being alive if not to experience the senses? Trying to dull out the senses to be mindful makes me wonder if we miss the true beauty of life. 27:40 Q3 I'm wondering about the effects of tension on the citta/ sensitivity. I'm aware of deep tension in my body which could have been there since childhood. Qigong and reclining meditation are good. 45:11 Q4 The manifestation of a category such as apple in your example, is that what is meant by nama? 47:25 Q5 What's a good balance of walking, standing and sitting?
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center

2024-02-13 Mindfulness of body, breath, and sound 66:25
Andrea Castillo
Guided meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living Dharma: Essential Teachings for Our Times

2024-02-12 Field of Care 26:53
River Wolton
Guided compassion meditation.
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma- A Retreat for the LGBTQI+ Community

2024-02-12 Walking suggestions 6:13
Ajahn Sucitto
Ajahn models some key elements of walking meditation.
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa :  Regaining the Center

2024-02-11 Before the Bend in the Road 27:07
Bernat Font
Guided Meditation
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma- A Retreat for the LGBTQI+ Community

2024-02-11 Cultivating Intentionality in Each Moment - Meditation 28:06
Shelly Graf
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-02-10 What Skilful Means 1:19:51
Nathan Glyde
Exploring what (being) skilful means, and what (are) skilful means. The Dharma is not simple, and it is not overly complex. We need to find a middle way that is sufficiently dynamic and appropriate. This is from an Online Dharma Hall session with a meditation, a reflection, and responses to questions. The questions are not recorded for privacy reasons, the responses are shaped to allow for comprehension despite this.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - February 2024

2024-02-10 Meditation = Cultivation, Development 1:29:12
Ariya B. Baumann
The Buddha stated that we can cultivate and develop the mind, mettā is just one aspect of mental training. A trained mind has also far-reaching effects on others.
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 10th Annual Metta Retreat 2024 - Part 2

2024-02-10 Going to the Forest 45:52
Bernat Font
Meditation Instructions
Gaia House Rainbow Dharma- A Retreat for the LGBTQI+ Community

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