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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2020-09-07 The Immeasurable Mind of Metta 56:54
A talk given as part of the Sunday program at Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group (SBMG)
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2020-09-05 Mettā Can Go Everywhere To Everything 56:03
Nathan Glyde
A meditation and reflection about metta and emptiness
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Sept 2020

2020-08-29 Guided Meditation 43:59
Caroline Jones
Guided metta practice
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Strengthening the Heart-Mind: A Retreat for Experienced Dharma Practitioners

2020-08-24 26 meditation: metta as an inquiry practice 13:47
Jill Shepherd
Exploring metta as an inquiry practice, noticing the effects on the body, the heart and the mind as kindness is fully received
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-24 25 talk: the two wings of Wisdom and Compassion 40:00
Jill Shepherd
How insight and the brahmavihara practices of kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity mutually support and reinforce each other; includes an exploration of metta as an inquiry practice
Auckland Insight Meditation Finding the heart of freedom

2020-08-22 Metta, Mantra, Addiction, Recovery: Three Questions 21:39
Ayya Medhanandi
We are braver than we know and can endure more than we realize if there is a readiness to renounce and be creative. Learn to refine, adapt, repeat teachings until they are embodied, and deeply listen to all that life offers. Reaching out to others according to our skills and strength, connect and offer guidance if it is welcome. Compassion born of growing wisdom will be our trustworthy compass.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  Chapin Mill Retreat

2020-08-08 Closing Talk - Metta and Samadhi into the Whole of our Life and World 33:59
Nathan Glyde
SanghaSeva Mettā and Samādhi

2020-08-08 Hebrew - Day 3 Instructions - Mettā to All Kinds of Phenomena 60:12
Zohar Lavie
In Hebrew
SanghaSeva Mettā and Samādhi

2020-08-07 Guided Mettā to Easy, Self, Neutral and All 44:01
Nathan Glyde
Getting deeply familiar with the felt-sense of wishing well-being and kindness, and allowing ourselves to be deeply touched as we wish particular aspects: clarity of mind; health in body; peacefulness; at-home-ness in our bodies and in the world; contentment; joy; and profound ease and freedom with all things.
SanghaSeva Mettā and Samādhi

2020-08-06 Opportunities for Samadhi and Metta 50:37
Nathan Glyde
Drawing the hindrances towards samadhi. Exploring how we can find ways to ease greed and aversion by relating to them as energy, rather than as content and story. Based around the insight that all obstacles to practice arise in our ways of relating. And remembering there is always a possibility for another way of relating, leads us towards the liberation of possibilities.
SanghaSeva Mettā and Samādhi

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