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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-06-16 Meditation: The Heartspace Where All is Welcome 18:51
Tara Brach
This meditation scans through the body, and awakens attention to the open, inclusive awareness that all life arises in. We then explore experiencing that openness in the region of the heart, saying yes to life and including whatever is here with unconditional presence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-06-16 Fierce Self-Compassion – A conversation between Tara Brach and Kristin Neff 61:52
Tara Brach
Kristin Neff is a pioneer in self-compassion research and a leader in bringing practices of self-compassion alive in our world. This conversation is on her latest book, Fierce Self-Compassion, which helps women awaken both receptive and active dimensions of compassion – tenderness and fierceness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-06-16 Preliminary Experiential Tastes of Emptiness 46:12
Brian Lesage
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation

2021-06-16 Being Somebody and Being Nobody 45:20
Brian Lesage
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation

2021-06-16 Loving Well is the Best Response 67:56
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-06-16 Fluidity of Mind: Reflections on Awareness 53:53
Alex Haley
This talk details the importance of embodied awareness, especially as known through felt-sense experience, and how this awareness can be temporarily obscured. Investigative awareness is discussed as a practice method for working with these temporary hindrances and how the sense of fluidity that we cultivate through investigative awareness supports a deeper knowing of natural awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness for Everyone: Practicing Across the Spectrum of Awareness

2021-06-16 Appreciative Joy 37:28
Brian Lesage
This talk offers reflections on Appreciative Joy followed by a guided meditation
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation

2021-06-16 Self-Directed Loving Kindness 45:25
Diana Winston
We practice loving kindness with an emphasis on how to send it to ourselves.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness for Everyone: Practicing Across the Spectrum of Awareness

2021-06-15 The Spectrum of Awareness Practices 51:07
Diana Winston
This talk details the Spectrum of Awareness Practice-- a map for exploring how many types of awareness meditations fit together. We explore how to move from narrow, focused awareness, through an investigative awareness, to open awareness, and to natural awareness-- an open, spacious, awareness of awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness for Everyone: Practicing Across the Spectrum of Awareness

2021-06-15 Freeing Our Hearts through Forgiveness 37:56
Brian Lesage
This talk offers reflections on the practice of forgiveness as well as a guided meditation on Forgiveness.
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation

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