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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2024-01-01 QiGong basics and walking 46:46
Ajahn Sucitto
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart

2023-12-31 Overview of kayanusati 38:43
Ajahn Sucitto
Description pending
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart

2023-12-31 Sila as Restraint 44:37
Ajahn Sucitto
Description pending
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart

2023-12-31 Opening Comments 6:10
Ajahn Sucitto
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Sharing Merit with the Broken Heart

2023-12-12 The straight undeviated clear way 14:40
Ajahn Sucitto
Description pending
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-11 Reflecting and recollecting 7:38
Ajahn Sucitto
Description pending
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-11 Vedena (feeling) is distinct from emotion 52:03
Ajahn Sucitto
Description pending
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks

2023-12-11 When does the day begin? 26:31
Ajahn Sucitto
Description pending
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-10 Q&A 49:03
Ajahn Sucitto
00:00 Q1 When we're doing sitting meditation are we to be mindful of feelings inside the whole body as we breathe in and out? When anybody sensations or pain arises are we to contemplate them with loving kindness? 10:55 Q2 Is it okay to use the mantra Bhudo for sitting meditation? 11:58 Q3 Are there different realities of truth? For example historical, scientific, personal? Ultimate reality? Everything is what it should be, no good no bad. 17:07 Q4 How can the dhamma help two people in a relationship resolve an indiscretion of the moral code? How does the dhamma guide one to accept responsibility for actions that harm another? 20:23 Q5 Citta - is it a harmony between the brain and the heart? Does it include all levels of consciousness? 31:36 Q6 At the point of death what do we do when we're overwhelmed with pain? If the mind is too weak to maintain equanimity? What happens if one dies totally consumed by pain? 41:09 Q7 Could QiGong help me to be more balanced in body and mind?
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-10 Guided Sitting Meditation 16:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-09 The main theme of breath meditation 54:49
Ajahn Sucitto
Description pending
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-09 The nature of mind 57:18
Ajahn Sucitto
On retreat we experience the mental restlessness resulting from sense restraint. “Stopping my mind” is not an effective strategy to handle it. Instead, look for a place of harmony with what the mind is doing. Some standing meditation at the end
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-09 Standing Instructions 16:43
Ajahn Sucitto
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-08 Some chanting basics 21:40
Ajahn Sucitto
Bringing up a sound through the body, we listen and harmonize with others. The citta seeks that harmony to feel comfortable in its environment.
Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand :  Finding Your True Ground - Awareness as a Refuge

2023-12-01 Q&A 50:36
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions are précised: 00:10 Q1 Can you clarify the analogy of dhammas you gave using the orange. 07:16 Q2 Can you speak more about the desires tanha and chanda? 21:46 Q3 Regarding breath meditation, should one focus on breathing sensations rather than the subtle body? 27:51 Q4 When the mind becomes unified, do I stay and let go of the breathing as the mind unifies, or should I watch the breathing in the background? 32:46 Q5 Sometimes I reach an awareness that feels so alien that I pull back. 34:09 Q6 How does one forgive oneself and handle regrets? 42:14 Q6 When helping others how do we decide when to stop helping? 44:24 Q7 How can we handle feeling inferior? What leads to the sense of unworthiness? 49:34 Q8 My body has pain in every position and it’s hard to meditate. What can you suggest?
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-30 Q&A 45:01
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions are précised: 00:00 Q1 Can you please distinguish between citta anupassana and dhamma anupassana. Which frame of reference should one apply to such contemplation? 28:43 Q2 During mindfulness of breathing, I find vichara (sensing and evaluating) to be an issue. How can I strengthen vichara? 35:47 Q3 I am a project manager, and there is a lot of planning and decision making. Is this a sankara? How to do so wisely and skillfully?
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-28 Q&A 47:06
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions are précised - 00:22 Q1 How to practice mindfulness of death? 16:27 Q2 We take in the world through the five senses. If we do not hear or see any news does that mean things, like the war in Gaza, are not really happening? 28:07 Q3 How do we know whether a kalyanamitta (spiritual friend) is trustworthy? 29:44 Q4 I get tension and constrictions in the chest and other places. I often get frustrated with this. Perhaps I am too preoccupied with it? 37:23 Q5 I am eager to understand imbalances – like jealousy and comparison - and to break through them quickly. What is your advice? 44:01 Q6 How can one influence or talk to other people about other views, like politics for example?
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-27 Managing feeling and sankhara 53:16
Ajahn Sucitto
Vedana/ feeling is a primary source of intelligence, where things first impact. By knowing what penetrates and moves you, you can understand the mainspring of motivations and reflexes.
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-26 Q&A 66:30
Ajahn Sucitto
00:13 Q1 Sense restraint and diligence in daily life: I'm motivated to practice when there's suffering, when life is fine I slacken off and indulge in sense pleasures. Please advise. 28: 14 Q2 Questions on sleepiness: How to deal with sleepiness on waking up in the morning? I take a lot of caffeine to avoid sleepiness. Is there an alternative? How can I be mindful all the time? 40:46 Q3 When I sit the body collapses and the energy required to straighten the body makes it hard to feel relax. Any advice? 44:44 Q4 I have a compulsive need to feel liked and even try and force people to like me. What can I do? 52:55 Q5 Nama rupa vinayana (name form and consciousness). Can you explain more about this please?
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-26 Feeling 53:46
Ajahn Sucitto
The teachings reiterate cultivating the knowing of contact – that Is, what is felt internally, externally and as the internal and external worlds meet.
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-26 Puja - Path of Fulfilment 23:47
Ajahn Sucitto
Moving into a new day, puja creates openness and sanctuary, recollecting the meaning of ‘Buddha’.
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-25 Puja - entering the blessed 28:39
Ajahn Sucitto
Puja/ honouring the sacred creates conditions for awakening. The group effort adds enormously, focusing on values and liberation, offering the opportunity to share an ongoing and ancient transmission.
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-24 Training for Life 34:54
Ajahn Sucitto
A retreat is a training for life. It’s simple but hinges on careful sustained attention on useful frames of reference. What is worth giving prolonged attention to?
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-06 Left brain, right brain balance 48:58
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma teaching is never completed because it has to be right at the right time. It points to something; it never describes or defines. This allows the mind to decompress and get free from the conditioning forces of data and the pressure to make things happen.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks

2023-11-05 Liberation depends on you 32:23
Ajahn Sucitto
When the citta is out of touch with Dhamma, reactive tendencies arise and we start responding to the designating and naming that the mind creates, thereby destroying the freshness of our experience.
Cittaviveka 2023 Online Dhamma Streams

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