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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-01-31 Relaxed, Open, Awake - Opening to the Retreat 44:25
Nathan Glyde
Understanding that the saṅkhāra (conditioned and conditioning, fabricated and fabricating) quality of experience is an invitation to engage with the way life is appearing in skilful ways for awakening.
Gaia House Relaxed, Open, Awake

2021-01-31 Heavenly Messengers 1:30:16
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2021-01-31 Loving-Kindness practice 34:41
Dawn Mauricio
True North Insight Introduction to Insight Meditation

2021-01-31 Widening our field of awareness 20:23
Dawn Mauricio
True North Insight Introduction to Insight Meditation

2021-01-31 Instructions : La force de l'intention II 62:34
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Introduction to Insight Meditation

2021-01-31 Mindfulness of Breathing, Part 4: Realizing the Healing Effect of Joy - Meditation 39:55
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Mindfulness of Breathing - A Dharma Talk Series with Mark Nunberg

2021-01-31 Mindfulness of Breathing, Part 4: Realizing the Healing Effect of Joy - Talk 35:06
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Mindfulness of Breathing - A Dharma Talk Series with Mark Nunberg

2021-01-31 Opening the sense doors 44:01
Dawn Mauricio
True North Insight Introduction to Insight Meditation

2021-01-31 Instructions : La force de l'intention 1:12:12
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Introduction to Insight Meditation

2021-01-30 Love your many sides - Guided heart practice 45:23
Dawn Mauricio
True North Insight Introduction to Insight Meditation

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