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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-09-05 Dukkha and the End of Dukkha: Transforming Suffering and Reactivity 58:58
Donald Rothberg
The Buddha suggested the core of his teaching in one short sentence: "I teach dukkha [suffering or reactivity or a sense of unsatisfactoriness] and the cessation of dukkha.” We explore this teaching in several ways. We see how the Buddha had multiple ways of talking about dukkha, with only, I suggest, the understanding of dukkha as reactivity, making sense of what the end of dukkha means. Dukkha as reactivity is explicated especially in two teachings, the Two Arrows and Dependent Origination. We look at the meaning of reactivity and how it manifests in our experience. We also see how reactivity can often be enmeshed with insight, such it makes sense to speak of transforming reactivity rather than simply suppressing it. We then explore five ways of practicing with reactivity. The talk is followed by discussion.
Insight Meditation Tucson

2024-09-05 Guided Meditation: Exploring Reactivity and the Feeling-Tones of Pleasant or Unpleasant 34:51
Donald Rothberg
After settling our attention through concentration and/or mindfulness, there are further instructions in noticing any reactivity (involving grasping or pushing away in a more automatic way at the levels of mind, body, or emotions), then in attending to the feeling-tone (especially a moderate or a little greater sense of pleasant or unpleasant), and lastly in recalling an experience of reactivity in the last few days and exploring it with mindfulness.
Insight Meditation Tucson

2024-09-05 Instructions & Guided Meditation - Big Mind 54:48
Jaya Rudgard
Gaia House Practices of the Heart

2024-09-05 Relating to strong emotions 60:24
Pascal Auclair
A talk, a guided meditation and Q&A
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Freedom and Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for Our LGBTQAI+ Community

2024-09-05 Chanting Together 7:35
Sumedha, Jaya Rudgard
Gaia House Practices of the Heart

2024-09-04 The Way of Wisdom 33:50
George Mumford
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-09-04 Meditation: Touching Peace 22:02
Tara Brach
This guided meditation offers a pathway to quieting our mind and calming anxiety. We begin with long deep breathing, and with the breath, engage the image of a smile and relax through the body. Then we practice resting in relaxed awareness, allowing waves of thoughts, feelings and sensations to come and go.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-09-04 Talk - Courage in Practice ; Deep Resourcing 43:30
Gaia House Practices of the Heart

2024-09-04 Coming H.O.M.E. to Ourselves (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:07
Nikki Mirghafori
This talk is structured around the acronym H.O.M.E. which stands for: Honoring our true nature, Opening to embodied awareness, Mindfully letting go, and Engaging with wholesome habits, all of which guide us to come home to ourselves in a way that benefits both our own lives and those of others.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Coming Home to Ourselves

2024-09-04 Starting from scratch 47:16
Pascal Auclair
How remarkable it is that mindfulness helps us investigate reality and how we relate to it starting from the Building Blocks of our experience
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Freedom and Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for Our LGBTQAI+ Community

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