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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2020-07-25 01 meditation: intro, mindfulness of breathing 13:25
Jill Shepherd
Short beginning meditation to open the one-day on-line workshop, establishing metta as a resource before settling into mindfulness of the body and breathing
Auckland Insight Meditation Balancing Effort and Enjoyment

2020-07-23 02 meditation: mindfulness of thoughts 23:47
Jill Shepherd
Beginning with the breath, physical sensations and sounds, then opening up to include mental activity
Auckland Insight Meditation Foundations of Insight

2020-07-23 01 talk: Mindfulness of Mind 22:00
Jill Shepherd
An introduction to working directly with the mind, practicising mindfulness of thinking
Auckland Insight Meditation Foundations of Insight

2020-07-22 Deepening Our Daily Life Practice in the Pandemic 2 67:09
Donald Rothberg
We begin with a brief review of the previous week's talk and discussion, in which we explored a number of ways to deepen (1) our formal practice; (2) our informal (daily life) practice; and (3) our service, work, and/or activism as practice. This exploration points to a broadened sense of practice. We then examine in some depth three inter-related foundational areas for deepening practice in all three areas: (1) developing mindfulness of the body; (2) working to transform reactivity (here as a translation of "dukkha"), including as it manifests in challenging or difficult experiences; and (3) pausing and setting intentions. Our discussion particularly goes into being skillful with challenging experiences.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2020-07-21 Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation - Week 3 - Talk 24:31
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Intro To Mindfulness Meditation

2020-07-21 Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation - Week 3 - Meditation 59:10
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Intro To Mindfulness Meditation

2020-07-19 Conditions for Learning and Penetration 20:19
Ajahn Sucitto
The process of assimilating the teachings takes time. Mindfulness of body and breathing calm and settle the citta, allowing it to unbind from its complexities. Citta becomes attentive, receptive and subtler – able to learn.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Unrestricted Awareness

2020-07-18 The Open and Unrestricted Heart 41:09
Ajahn Sucitto
Attention is generally driven by self-interest, to seek what is pleasant. The possibilities of what one receives are then restricted by the “self program”. Unrestricted means changing the baseline from that of the person to something impersonal that can yet be subjectively experienced – clarity, lovingkindness, letting go. Mindfulness of body acts as a platform for steady open awareness.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Unrestricted Awareness

2020-07-18 Practise Like the Barley Reaper 25:32
Ayya Medhanandi
In a dialogue between King Milinda and Venerable Nagasena, we hear the Buddha’s instruction on mental training and how to apply our allies of mindfulness, restraint and wisdom. Devoted to the training, we can overcome ignorance, take hold of the mind and cut off the defilements just as the barley reaper cuts his barley. Our mission is to lean towards Nibbāna, not believing the self-making stories, and gradually, patiently, wrestle free from ignorance, waking up right in the middle of any storm we may face.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

2020-07-17 We Are What we Think 54:12
James Baraz
The Buddha taught: "We are what we think. With our thoughts we make the world." We will explore mana or "the conceit of I am" and how we construct a sense of self with our mind. Based on how we see ourselves or how we compare with others, mana or the conceit of “I am” is born. This tendency leads to "The Three Conceits: I am superior, I am inferior, I am equal to." If we're not mindful, we then erroneously proceed to make a permanent, solid entity of self. We explore how not seeing this clearly creates suffering and how we can free ourselves of this self-constructed suffering.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

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