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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2019-08-14 Dukkha, Clinging, Metta 53:33
Zohar Lavie
Freely Given Retreats A Wide and Wonderful Path

2019-08-14 Day 2 Guided Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 40:08
Vinny Ferraro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight & Loving Kindness

2019-08-13 Metta - Guided Meditation 44:35
Zohar Lavie
Freely Given Retreats A Wide and Wonderful Path

2019-08-10 I Will Not Be Angry – How Ajahn Gunhah Won the Hearts of Outlaws 12:33
Ayya Medhanandi
Laying down weaponry, giving up hostility, we can abandon negativity and establish sanctuary within us. We hear the inspirational tale of how Ajahn Gunhah transformed his kidnappers in northern Thailand. Through his embodiment of mettā they became his disciples, just as the Buddha had done with his adversaries 2600 years ago. Such is the power of pure mettā - good will or loving kindness. It is our true protection from harm. We too can rescue ourselves by developing it with great inner vigilance, wisdom, compassion and courage.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  For Our Long Lasting Benefit

2019-07-28 Receiving Metta for oneself and sharing it with an easy person 42:33
Rebecca Bradshaw
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18–32 Year Olds

2019-07-26 Metta: No great expectation 46:52
JoAnna Hardy
When being kind and caring towards the self has great POW moments but can lead us to lack peace of heart and mind.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat for 18–32 Year Olds

2019-07-25 Day 6 Guided Meditation/Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 42:27
Jeanne Corrigal
Difficult Person
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight

2019-07-23 Day 4, Guided Meditation/Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 43:46
Jeanne Corrigal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight

2019-07-18 Metta (Loving Friendliness) | Dharma Talk 47:29
Pat Coffey
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC Opening the Heart in the Divine Abodes

2019-07-18 Day 8: Metta and the Many Beautiful Qualities of Heart (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:25
Tempel Smith
When we develop the Brahma Viharas, we also develop many beautiful qualities of heart named the Paramis, such as Generosity, Harmlessness and Renunciation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat

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