Dharma Talks
The Shared Heart of Spiritual Teachings and Practices
Donald Rothberg
The Dalai Lama has said, “My religion is kindness," suggesting that the core of spirituality is both beyond any particular religion and does not require religion. We explore, in a similar way, how the basics of Buddhist teachings and practices-- related to ethics, kindness and compassion, wisdom, and touching nibbana--can be understood and expressed in ordinary, everyday language and at its heart is both shared by other spiritual traditions and potentially beyond any particular tradition. The talk is followed by discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Monday and Wednesday Talks
The Refuge of Determination
Devin Berry
In this talk, Devin speaks about his experience founding non-profits as a practice of adhitthana parami (the cultivation of determination). He also shares about balancing determination and patience as two wings of a bird.
Refuge of Belonging