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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-02-25 Day 24 Afternoon Instructions: Upekkha (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:23
Susie Harrington
Guided meditation for embodying equanimity: neutral, friend and self
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-25 Day Four - Meditation Instructions 54:01
Alexis Santos
Objects just support awareness. Allowing the awareness to know more.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Developing the Mind and Heart: Insight Meditation Retreat

2020-02-25 The Open Way 42:36
Ajahn Sucitto
This Path often leads into unknowns, disorientation, places where things don’t fit our normal ways. Meeting these places with strategies doesn’t work, but good qualities of heart leads into a quiet, joyful openness. This supports faith.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-24 The journey To A Daily Life Practice 36:40
Alexis Santos
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Developing the Mind and Heart: Insight Meditation Retreat

2020-02-24 Engaged Receptivity 51:29
Ajahn Sucitto
The essence of meditation is engaged receptivity. This is the skill of pausing for a minute and witnessing the flow of dhammas. It becomes fully established by strong mindfulness, so that ‘full knowing’ (sampajañña) gives the view of the causal web: that dhammas arise from causes and are not self.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-24 Afternoon Instructions: Mudita 40:28
Gullu Singh
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-24 Form and Spirit: Meditating Outside of the Box 57:47
Oren Jay Sofer
Monday Night Dharma Talk at Spirit Rock
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2020-02-24 Aimless wandering’ Meditation 3:36
Ajahn Sucitto
Take advantage of being in this natural realm. Move around very slowly and relate to everything from the heart. Notice the felt sense that is evoked, how nature touches and speaks to you. Nature reflects back aspects of your own heart.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-24 The Arising of Heart 55:25
Ajahn Sucitto
Clearance and renewal is a heart process. It entails meeting emotional material where it begins, with an energetic resonance. Body receives and moderates the energy, clearing the way for fundamental heart qualities to meet phenomena.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-23 Wise Speech Part 2 1:30:46
Mark Nunberg
Weekly Dharma Talk led by Mark Nunberg opening with a guided meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

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