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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-02-05 Meditation: A Listening Presence 20:00
Tara Brach
The receptivity of listening awakens us to the living stream of life. This meditation guides us in listening to sounds, and then listening to and feeling the aliveness of our bodies and the movement of the breath. We close with a simple offering of lovingkindness to our inner life and our world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-02-05 Q&A 63:38
Joseph Goldstein
A wide varity of topics.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2020-02-05 Firm Centre Open Heart 60:00
Ajahn Sucitto
How to arrive at a grounded centre and undefended heart? Generally, attempts to firm up involve holding on or hardening the exterior that inhibit the heart’s opening. Instead, a shifting of attention and energy is suggested. Three reference points are offered to support this shift: food, work and rest.
Dharmagiri Firm Center, Open Heart

2020-02-05 Centring through Standing Meditation 13:40
Ajahn Sucitto
In standing meditation we’re not waiting for anything, not going anywhere, but centring. Tracking up the body, we can locate and unlock potentials for space so energy can travel.
Dharmagiri Firm Center, Open Heart

2020-02-05 Cultivation of Dhamma 53:19
Ajahn Sucitto
We practice Dhamma to clear through distortions and disturbances that become established. It takes training – setting aside what’s not needed and cultivating receptivity. Then what has always been there – the qualities of citta – are revealed.
Dharmagiri Firm Center, Open Heart

2020-02-05 Loving Kindness Practice 44:16
Walt Opie
Introducing the difficult person to our loving kindness practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2020-02-05 Chanting Brings Breath and Sound Together 45:50
Ajahn Sucitto
The main quality of chanting is spreading energy to the body and space around. We use sound to send out heart energy. Practice with bringing breath and sound together is provided. Overview of Pāli pronunciation and explanation of puja follow.
Dharmagiri Firm Center, Open Heart

2020-02-05 Day Four Morning Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:46
Susie Harrington
8-precept intro and chanting; at 15 minutes, practicing in the body instructions with body scan and practice guidance.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-05 Establishing a Firm Centre 12:13
Ajahn Sucitto
Instructions for using body and breathing to establish a firm centre that’s also open. Building firmness from the ground up, releasing congestion through the out breath, drawing in fresh energy with the in breath.
Dharmagiri Firm Center, Open Heart

2020-02-05 Don't Get Distracted 2:06:16
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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