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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-01-26 The Path Begins with Understanding - Talk 55:04
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-01-26 Dharma Talk - The Roots of Skilful Effort 54:00
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Dana Retreat - A Path of Peace and Kindness

2020-01-26 Metta: Friendship, Connectedness, Interdependence 46:08
Ariya B. Baumann
Metta includes friendship and connectedness with ourselves and others; through metta we realize the interdependence of all living beings
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 6th Annual Metta Retreat - Part 1

2020-01-26 Instructions (Day 2) - The Hindrances 56:22
Gavin Milne
This recording also includes Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Dana Retreat - A Path of Peace and Kindness

2020-01-25 Dharma Talk - A Path of Peace - Generosity, Ethics and Spiritual Development 54:17
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Dana Retreat - A Path of Peace and Kindness

2020-01-25 Citta, Kamma and Awakening (Evening Public Talk) 50:33
Ajahn Sucitto
In Dhamma practice we’re inclining citta towards itself, gathering in attention to recognize where the heart is engaged. Certain engagements will lead to liberation. The practice of recollection is one.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka Buddhist Monastery Winter Retreat 2020

2020-01-25 Guided Meditation on Awareness of Breath and Body 33:19
Gavin Milne
Gaia House Dana Retreat - A Path of Peace and Kindness

2020-01-25 Guided Standing and Sitting Meditation, Advice on Sitting Posture 45:46
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Dana Retreat - A Path of Peace and Kindness

2020-01-25 Instructions (Day 1) 48:45
Yanai Postelnik
This recording also includes Gavin Milne.
Gaia House Dana Retreat - A Path of Peace and Kindness

2020-01-25 Morning Reflections 6:27
Sayadaw U Jagara
Extracts read from "Therigatha - Verses of Freedom" poems by nuns. Translated by Matty Weingast
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2020

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