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Dharma Talks
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2025-02-12 Awakening in a World in Turmoil 2: Seeing the World with Dharma Eyes 65:07
Donald Rothberg
How do we see the world, especially and social world, from the perspective of awakening--with, we might say, "dharma eyes"? We explore this question in a time of great turmoil and concern in the world, particularly in the U.S. We start with several passages coming from an awakened mind and heart, including a passage from the Metta Sutta--how would one then look at the larger world? We explore how the Buddha himself looked at the world and social structures, particularly in terms of caste and gender. From our practice seeing greed, hatred, and delusion in ourselves, we learn how to see these qualities in others, and in the world. From our ethical training, we learn how to see when we are not following the ethical guidelines and when others are not, including on a larger social level. We also see how we can understand some of the larger social issues, particularly related to the climate crisis, racism, and gender, in terms of greed (especially), hatred, and delusion. We close, in this context, first with a pointing to ways of responding, using Joanna Macy's model of three ways that the "Great Turning" occurs, and then with a poem.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2025-02-12 Guided Meditation: Exploring Feeling-Tone and Reactivity 0:00
Donald Rothberg
(Recording not available) 
After guidance in developing concentration and mindfulness, we practice in silence. Then there is guidance related to mindfulness of the feeling-tone (the Second Foundation of Mindfulness), particularly the pleasant or the unpleasant (and whether there is reactivity, grasping after the pleasant and pushing away in some way the unpleasant), related to the theme of the talk given after the meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2025-02-10 Une nouvelle relation aux choses 63:24
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite au centre Mudita en Suisse

2025-02-09 L’agrippement dans les quatre nobles vérités 61:12
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite au centre Mudita en Suisse

2025-02-09 Le raffinement des perceptions 45:40
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite au centre Mudita en Suisse

2025-02-08 Stay in your boat 40:16
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-02-08 Les qualités qui libèrent de l’agrippement 61:20
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite au centre Mudita en Suisse

2025-02-08 3 noeuds perceptuels 61:58
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite au centre Mudita en Suisse

2025-02-08 Morning Reflections: The Seven Awakening Factors: Dhamma Vicaya/Investigation 12:59
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge February 2025 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2025-02-08 East Bay Dhamma - Dhammapada Verses 9 to 13 1:46:57
Ayya Santussika
This dhamma talk, guided meditation, and Q&A was offered on February 8, 2025 for East Bay Dhamma 00:00 - MEDITATION 14:08 - DHAMMA TALK & Q&A
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

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