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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Marcia Rose's Dharma Talks
Marcia Rose
I find teaching to be a very deep and powerful "no self" practice. When I connect with others during Dharma talks--in the intimacy of small groups, and while holding meditation practice interviews--I am continually reminded to know, and be, in a place of clarity, spaciousness and immediate presence. Being able to offer students such a place of connection is my greatest pleasure and inspiration, as well as the most appreciated challenge in my teaching practice.
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2017-05-06 Dhamma Talk: Wise Concentration 1:12:23
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-05-06 Morning Reflection: Continuity of Practice 6:08
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-05-04 Dhamma Talk: The Heart's Release 1:10:23
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-05-04 Morning Reflection: Brahmaviharas 14:53
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-05-02 Morning Reflection: Balanced Effort 10:37
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-04-30 Dhamma Talk: Mindfulness Part 1 1:14:42
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-04-30 Morning Reflection: Patience 9:25
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-04-29 Dhamma Talk: Samvega Spiritual Urgency 63:29
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-04-29 Morning Reflection: How do you hold your practice? 9:50
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose
2017-04-28 Opening Talk & Welcome, Refuges and Precepts 66:05
Mountain Hermitage Spring Two-Week Hermitage Retreat with Marcia Rose

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