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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Martine Batchelor's Dharma Talks
Martine Batchelor
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2013-04-20 Exploring Awakening and the Three Refuges 50:11
Looking at the meaning of selflessness and what would support our practice.
Gaia House The Zen Retreat
2013-02-22 I See You 53:26
Looking at releasing our grasping and creative wise love.
Gaia House Meditation for Life
2013-02-20 One Breath at a Time 55:03
Exploring creative awareness and the building blocks of meditation: samatha and vipassana.
Gaia House Meditation for Life
2012-08-27 Creative Engagement and Vipassana 60:42
Investigating the process of grasping and its opposite, creative engagement. Looking also at how vipassana helps us to develop wise compassion.
Gaia House Meditation and Mindfulness
2012-08-25 Samatha and Vipassana Retreat 58:05
Exploring the two qualities that are essential to develop creative awareness.
Gaia House Meditation and Mindfulness
2012-08-24 Opening Talk for Meditation and Mindfulness Retreat 46:13
This talk also includes Jake Dartington
Gaia House Meditation and Mindfulness
2012-07-21 The Ten Ox Herding Pictures 60:03
The path in pictures and its relevance to daily life.
Gaia House Study Retreat: A Buddhist Secular Retreat
2012-07-19 Vedana 58:29
Exploring how one can become aware of feeling tones and how this could help us in our daily life.
Gaia House Study Retreat: A Buddhist Secular Retreat
2012-07-18 No Thoughts? 55:44
What does it mean to have no thoughts? Exploring our mental landscape.
Gaia House Study Retreat: A Buddhist Secular Retreat
2012-07-17 Contact and Creative Engagement 53:55
Looking at the process of grasping which makes us proliferate & exaggerate and creative engagement which helps us to be clear and flexible in our daily life.
Gaia House Study Retreat: A Buddhist Secular Retreat

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