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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Martine Batchelor's Dharma Talks
Martine Batchelor
2009-02-24 Creative Wise Compassion 55:43
Gaia House Meditation for Daily Living
2009-02-23 Creative Engagement 52:25
Gaia House Meditation for Daily Living
2009-02-21 Creative Awareness 53:52
Gaia House Meditation for Daily Living
2008-07-12 Creative Engagement with People 44:13
Looking at the eight worldly winds and exploring how meditation can help us to creatively engage with people we know and love.
Gaia House Meditation And Study Retreat
2008-07-11 The Role of the Teacher 40:27
Looking at the different roles teachers have in the Buddhist tradition and exploring the four reliances, which help us understand and walk on the meditative path.
Gaia House Meditation And Study Retreat
2008-07-10 Awakening 53:07
Gaia House Meditation And Study Retreat
2008-07-09 Evolution, Tradition, Ethics and Compassion 47:46
Gaia House Meditation And Study Retreat
2008-07-08 Working with Emotional Habits 49:15
Looking at pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feeling tones and exploring the emotional habits of fear and anger in the context of awareness meditation.
Gaia House Meditation And Study Retreat
2008-07-07 Creative Engagement 53:52
Gaia House Meditation And Study Retreat
2008-07-06 Tools of Awareness 48:49
A step by step presentation of awareness meditations on breath, sensations, sounds etc and how they can become tools that can help us in our daily life.
Gaia House Meditation And Study Retreat

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