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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Andrea Fella's Dharma Talks
Andrea Fella
Andrea Fella is the co-teacher at the Insight Meditation Center and the Insight Retreat Center. She has been practicing Insight Meditation since 1996, and teaching Insight Meditation since 2003. She is particularly drawn to intensive retreat practice, and has done a number of long retreats, both in the United States and in Burma. During one long practice period in Burma, she ordained as a nun with Sayadaw U Janaka. Andrea is especially drawn to the wisdom teachings of the Buddha. Her teachings emphasize clarity and practicality. Andrea is a member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, and teaches residential retreats for IMC and other retreat centers around the country
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2016-11-09 Compassion Practice 44:33
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 2
2016-11-07 Guided meditation: Expanding awareness 43:52
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 2
2016-11-03 Crossing The Flood 61:54
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 2
2016-10-28 Morning instructions 58:56
Mindfulness of thought.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 2
2016-10-27 Awareness of hindrances it is possible. 61:39
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 2
2016-10-23 Morning instructions: relaxed attention. 35:22
Exploring stabilizing a relaxed attention with an anchor for the attention.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 2
2016-05-28 Non-clinging Part 1 1:15:13
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Angela Center) DPP5 at Angela Center May 2016
2016-05-23 Four Noble Truths 46:15
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Angela Center) DPP5 at Angela Center May 2016
2016-05-10 Becoming Freedom 48:31
Andrea Fella gave the fifth talk in a seven-week series on lesser known Buddhist teachings titled "Thus Have I Heard." This talk discusses early teachings by the Buddha contained in the Sutta Nipata, wherein the Buddha addressed suffering and its causes, such as clinging to sense pleasures and views.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Thus Have I Heard
2016-04-12 Thus Have I Heard 5:01:05
with Andrea Fella, Diana Clark, Kim Allen, Nona Olivia, Sean Oakes, Shaila Catherine, Tony Bernhard
The Pali Canon includes over 5,000 discourses that document conversations and encounters that occurred during forty years of the Buddha's ministry. Over the centuries, certain teachings have risen to the surface with popularity and come to characterize our impression of what the Buddha taught. However, the vast collection of source material reaches beyond these well known teachings. For this speaker series, IMSB has invited teachers to focus on teachings that have been largely neglected by contemporary Buddhist groups. Each talk will share a lesser-known teaching, event, or instruction that will enrich our comprehension of what the Buddha taught. We will discover whether broadening our source material reinforces the dominant view of Buddhist practice or paints a different picture of meditation and the path of liberation.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

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