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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Rob Burbea's Dharma Talks
Rob Burbea
ROB BURBEA (1965-2020) was Gaia House’s much-loved resident teacher for 10 years from 2005 - 2015, when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. During his time at Gaia House, Rob wrote Seeing that Frees: Meditations on Emptiness and Dependent Arising – an important and influential work that continues to shape and open the meditative exploration of many. Emerging from this deep experiential understanding of emptiness, Rob dedicated much of his time and energy during the last years of his life to conceiving, developing, and establishing a new body of teachings that he called ‘A Soulmaking Dharma’. Before his death, Rob initiated the Hermes Amara Foundation (HAF), an organisation that is working to preserve and develop Rob's vast Dharma teaching legacy, and to support practitioners and teachers who are engaged with these teachings. All donations go directly to HAF - your financial support is much needed if Rob’s legacy is to sustain and thrive. To join the HAF mailing list and find out more about Rob's work please go to or get in touch at Rob was also a guiding teacher of Freely Given Retreats (, a co-founder of Sanghaseva, an organisation exploring the Dharma through international service work ( and a co-initiator of DANCE, the Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (
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2011-08-01 Working with the Emotional Body (Instructions and Guided Meditation: Day Three) 51:50
This series of guided meditations and instructions presents a set of tools and approaches for working skilfully with emotions and mind states in practice.
Gaia House The Boundless Heart
2011-07-31 The Meditator as Revolutionary 1:10:02
Gaia House The Boundless Heart
In collection: One Earth Sangha
2011-07-31 Working with the Emotional Body (Instructions and Guided Meditation: Day Two) 55:44
This series of guided meditations and instructions presents a set of tools and approaches for working skilfully with emotions and mind states in practice.
Gaia House The Boundless Heart
2011-07-30 Working with the Emotional Body (Instructions and Guided Meditation: Day One) 60:29
This series of guided meditations and instructions presents a set of tools and approaches for working skilfully with emotions and mind states in practice.
Gaia House The Boundless Heart
2011-07-29 Reflections on the Retreat and on the Path 34:38
About aspiration and longing, being on retreat, listening to talks, meditation practice, emotions and the path. (This is the Introductory Talk for the Boundless Heart Retreat)
Gaia House The Boundless Heart
2011-06-07 One Earth Sangha 40:24:32
with Ayya Anandabodhi, Ayya Santacitta, Ayya Santussika, Bob Doppelt, Catherine McGee, Chas DiCapua, David Loy, Donald Rothberg, Jack Kornfield, James Baraz, Joanna Macy, Malcolm Margolin, Margarita Loinaz, Mark Coleman, Nina Wise, Paul Hawken, Rob Burbea, Sayadaw Vivekananda, Tara Brach, Thanissara, Various, Wes Nisker
One Earth Sangha is oriented toward Buddhist and mindfulness practitioners seeking dharma, practices and community around care for the Earth. See their website here: One Earth Sangha
2011-02-22 Guided Meditation - The Play of Appearances 37:22
Gaia House Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)
2011-02-19 Questioning Reality (Question and Answer Session 5) 1:28:18
Gaia House Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)
2011-02-17 Ways of Looking: (3) Anatta 51:19
Gaia House Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)
2011-02-16 Deepening Into Emptiness (Question and Answer Session 4) 1:21:12
Gaia House Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)

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