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gift of the teachings
Pamela Weiss's Dharma Talks
Pamela Weiss
Pamela is the author of the recently released book, A Bigger Sky: Awakening a Fierce Feminine Buddhism. She has practiced in the Soto Zen and Theravada traditions since 1987, is a guiding teacher at San Francisco Insight, and sits on the Teacher Council at Spirit Rock. Pamela is also a leadership coach and pioneer in bringing mindfulness programs into the workplace. She lives in San Francisco with her husband, Eugene, and little dog, Grover.
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2024-06-04 Faith (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:20
This talk describes the deepening of faith and the revelation of our innate Buddha Nature through stories about Zen masters, Bodhisattvas, the Lamed Vov.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dharma Yoga Mindfulness Training: Retreat #1
2024-06-01 Mindfulness: Listening with Love (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 43:35
This talk explores aspects of mindfulness, working with the judging mind and listening with love.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving Each Moment: The Heartfelt Revelation of Dharma
2024-01-14 Freedom and the Jewel of Sangha 51:04
This talk will celebrate the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and the women who surrounded him.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-10-15 In this world... 34:34
In this world hatred never ceases from hatred. By love alone is hatred ceased. This is the law, ancient and inexhaustible. —Buddha
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-10-03 Instructions on the Arising and Passing (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:45
“Whatever comes let it come. Whatever goes let it go. And see what remains.”
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Mindful of Death, Awakening to Life
2023-10-02 You Are All Going to Die (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:15
A talk on the truth of impermanence and mortality, arising and passing, and making the unwanted wanted.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Mindful of Death, Awakening to Life
2023-09-03 Do No Harm: Exploring the Buddhist Precepts 40:27
This talk unfolds teachings on sila, Buddhist ethics. It will explore the precepts as the heart of the Path, and share how we can use them to stay awake in daily life.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-08-20 Words Create Worlds 36:44
This talk explores the power of language and potent Buddhist teachings on Wise Speech.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-07-09 What Does It Mean To Be Free? 42:04
Drawing on teachings from the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta and the Upādānas, this talk explores walking the path as radical reorientation, and the relationship between freedom and letting go.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-06-25 Living by Vow 42:12
This talk will explore what it means to walk a spiritual path and live from our deepest intentions and aspirations.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

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