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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ayya Santacitta's Dharma Talks
Ayya Santacitta
Santacitta Bhikkhuni hails from Austria and trained as a nun in England & Asia from 1993 until 2009, primarily in the lineage of Ajahn Chah and has also received teachings in the Shechen lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. She is committed to our planet as a living being and resides at 'Aloka Earth Room', currently located in San Rafael, California. Santacitta Bhikkhuni stammt aus Österreich and begann ihre Nonnenausbildung 1993 in England & Asien, vor allem in der Traditionslinie von Ajahn Chah und hat auch Unterweisungen in der Shechen Traditionslinie des Tibetischen Buddhisms erhalten. Sie ist unserem Planeten als lebendes Wesen verpflichtet und lebt im 'Aloka Earth Room', derzeit in San Rafael, Kalifornien.
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2024-07-28 Stepping Outside the Box of the Current Cultural Paradigm 20:20
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-28 The More-Than-Human World Has Our Back Every Moment 47:24
Guided Meditation on Engaging with a Plant Ally and Exploring a Question from within the Web of Life. Please sit outside or near a window or have a potted plant close to you.
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-28 Sense Making = When Cognition & Sensing Happen Together 36:45
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-26 How Can We Tap into the Liberating Potential of the Way Things Are? 25:30
Reflection on the four aspects to the cultivation of the 7 Factors of Awakening
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-26 The Body - a Field of Blessings & Challenges 28:54
Guided Meditation on the Four Elements
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-25 Precision & Opening to What We Need to Know 42:13
Guided Meditation on the 7 Factors of Awakening
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-25 A Road Map Through a Web of Assumptions 19:00
Reflection of the 7 Factors of Awakening and the 4 Establishments of Mindfulness
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-25 Honing the 7 Factors of Awakening on the Threshold 43:24
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-24 Emergence Happens as We Enter Sensorial Presence 53:34
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2024-07-17 Not Going Back But Coming Full Circle 55:30
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

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