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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ayya Anandabodhi's Dharma Talks
Ayya Anandabodhi
Ayya Anandabodhi first encountered the Buddha’s teachings in her early teens, igniting a deep interest in the Buddha’s Path of Awakening. She lived and trained as a monastic in the Forest Tradition at Amaravati and Chithurst monasteries in England from 1992 until 2009, when she moved to the US to help open more opportunities for women to live the monastic life. She took full Bhikkhuni Ordination in 2011. Her practice and teaching are guided by early Buddhist scriptures, living in community, and through nature’s pure and immediate Dhamma.
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2024-07-26 Centered in the Body, Opening Awareness 43:34
Centering awareness in the body and allowing our awareness to open from that centered point.
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-25 Layers of Letting Go 41:44
Through tending to the layers that may need clearing out and letting go, we can come into harmony with the truth of the way things are. A reflection on the three characteristics of existence and attunement to nature.
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-25 Attending to the Body 39:11
Guidance on posture, and on paying attention to the teaching that the body give, each moment.
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-24 Untangling the Tangles 43:59
A guided meditation on 'breathing through the limbs and torso". This practice can help to disentangle energy blocks in the body and bring about great physical well being and body awareness.
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-24 Start Where You Are, Guide Where You’re Going 22:04
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-07-24 Breathing Metta 55:25
After an intro - a guided meditation, breathing in the metta that is being generated in the world, and letting go on the out-breath.
Aloka Earth Room & Parayana Vihara :  Saranaloka Online Summer Retreat Creating a Supportive Container in Times of Great Challenge
2024-05-27 Finding Our Way Back to Presence 28:15
Dhamma reflection given for Fourth Sunday Dhamma online program
Parayana Vihara
2024-05-10 Opening Up Our Potential (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 2:00:08
with Ayya Anandabodhi, Ayya Santacitta, Ayya Santussika
Spirit Rock Meditation Center With the World on Fire, Embody the Eightfold Path
2024-05-08 Samadhi - Unification of Mind (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 57:54
Samma Samadhi - Ways of entry into samadhi - mindfulness immersed in the body, the Jhana Factors, and deepening meditative states.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center With the World on Fire, Embody the Eightfold Path
2024-05-07 Turning Back to the Path (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 63:01
Laying out the framework of Right Effort and Right Mindfulness, with a story about the hawk and the quail (Simile of the Quail).
Spirit Rock Meditation Center With the World on Fire, Embody the Eightfold Path

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