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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Amaro's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Amaro
I think of myself primarily as a monk who occasionally teaches, who strives to convey the spirit and the letter of Buddhism through my lifestyle, through explanation, and through the imagery of storytelling in order to bring Buddhism to life for people who are seeking truth and freedom.
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1998-10-26 The Essence Of Dhamma 57:44
Patiently surrendering into benevolence and kindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-24 Unconditioned Reality 56:29
Recognizing the unrecognizable.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-23 Opening Talk For The Monastic Retreat 52:46
Exploring the monastic tradition.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-23 Exploring the Monastic Tradition 51:56
Opening talk for the monastic retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-04-16 Human Relationships 1:13:54
Connectedness and separation as modes of relatedness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Buddhist Contemplations (9 days)
1998-04-14 Thinking 65:49
Conceptual thought: its role and nature and how to use if skillfully. We dont have to get rid of thinking in order to meditate. There is no problem with thinking in and of itself, but only in how we sometimes relate to it. This talk explores the role and nature of conceptual thought, how to relate to it skillfully, as well as acknowledging the value and right use of reflective thinking.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Buddhist Contemplations (9 days)
1998-04-14 Thinking 65:33
We don't have to get rid of thinking in order to meditate. There is no problem with thinking in and of itself, but only in how we sometimes relate to it. This talk explores the role and nature of conceptual thought, how to relate to it skillfully, as well as acknowledging the value and right use of reflective thinking.
1998-04-12 Desire And Becoming 64:09
Ultimate and conventional reality; the workings of dependent origination.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Buddhist Contemplations (9 days)
1998-04-10 Convention And Liberation 65:27
Finding the peaceful heart through the skillful use of convention.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Buddhist Contemplations (9 days)
1998-01-07 Morning Instructions Set 7 58:50
Seven mornings of meditation instruction. (Estimated date of talk. Exact date unknown)

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