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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Christopher Titmuss's Dharma Talks
Christopher Titmuss
My engagement in teaching the dharma, to point to a free and liberated life, has remained the same since the first day I started. It is my unwavering commitment to inspire people that such a life is accessible to us all, here and now. This is what sustains me and gives me enthusiasm.
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1992-08-17 Beyond The Story Line 38:43
is truth imbedded exclusively in our personal soap operas?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-09-21 Inquiry 1 62:54
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-09-23 Inquiry 2 1:11:19
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2006-08-24 The Wisdom Of Equanimity 59:40
Equanimity is divine since it acts as a bridge towards facing the world and realization of the unconstructed & the secure.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1979-04-18 Truth For Truth's Sake 46:39
questioning assumptions we have about concepts of self; seeing what is clearly false
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1985-08-03 The Mystical Experience 40:34
is it possible to leave behind even valuable and illuminating experiences?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2004-10-16 The Light That Reveals 37:49
Consciousness is the light that reveals the world of objects. It also reveals much more than that. It is the key to realizing emptiness and truth.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-09-20 Love, Not Lovingkindness 55:34
Metta is love free from dependency on connection. Love explores family, service, intimacy, nature and creativity. It is a force for change in perception.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-09-22 What Is An Opinion? What Is Truth? 55:28
We may have similar and dissimilar views, but truth enters into a situation and transforms it.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-09-24 The Powerlessness Of Now 50:40
There is no power to now since now is dependent on countless conditions Since there is no power to it, then there is a problem with it. Let us see through this delusion of views.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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