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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Christopher Titmuss's Dharma Talks
Christopher Titmuss
My engagement in teaching the dharma, to point to a free and liberated life, has remained the same since the first day I started. It is my unwavering commitment to inspire people that such a life is accessible to us all, here and now. This is what sustains me and gives me enthusiasm.
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2007-10-05 Conditions And The Unconditioned 51:28
Let us see into unfolding conditions. These conditions are unproblematic; thus liberation is not trapped in conditions, i.e., the unconditioned.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation, Inquiry and the Nondual
2007-10-06 A Tribute To Rumi 62:01
Commentary on 4 poems of Rumi on love and ultimate truth - to mark 8 centuries since his birth in September 1207.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation, Inquiry and the Nondual
2007-09-30 Eight Worldly Conditions 49:00
Success and Failure, Gain and Loss, Praise and Blame, Pleasure and Pain can haunt our life. All these wordly conditions weave in and out of each other.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation, Inquiry and the Nondual
2000-08-24 The Personality And Beyond 45:53
When a sense of self takes form in the mind, we can become burdened and limited by our own fiction about ourselves-- our story of who we think we are. What would it be to let the self lose its substance? A profound and immediate freedom can be discovered through seeing clearly beyond the illusion of personality to the truth of selflessness.

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