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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Kim Allen's Dharma Talks
Kim Allen
Kim Allen has been practicing Insight meditation since 2003, and has trained intensively in the U.S. and Asia with cumulative years of silent retreat. She has practiced with primary teacher Gil Fronsdal and other Western teachers, Theravādan monastics, and a few Mahāyāna teachers, and now offers retreats, sutta study, and experiential Dharma engagement. A teacher and author, Kim aims to bring classical Dharma to a modern context and to encourage lay practitioners in fully living a life of Dharma. Her education includes a PhD in physics and a master’s degree in environmental sustainability, and her website is
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2017-02-09 Joy 3 -- Joy in the Path and Practice 37:27
Part 3 of a 3-part series on different types of Joy
Insight Santa Cruz
2017-01-19 Joy 2 -- Piti -- Meditative Joy 46:32
Insight Santa Cruz
2017-01-17 Secret Blessings 18:37
Insight Santa Cruz
2017-01-15 Overview of the Pali Canon 1:45:50
The meditation practices taught in the Insight movement trace their origins to the earliest known teachings of the Buddha. These discourses are part of the scriptures called the Pali Canon. This session offers an overview of the texts of the Pali Canon and some historical background on the development of Buddhism. We will also read some suttas (discourses) demonstrating different styles.
Insight Santa Cruz
2017-01-12 Joy 1 -- Mudita 41:29
Part 1 of a series of talks about different aspects of Joy
Insight Santa Cruz
2017-01-10 Faith and Hope in a Changing World 13:43
Insight Santa Cruz
2016-12-11 8FP Wise Speech part 2 7:52
Insight Santa Cruz
2016-12-11 8FP Wise Speech part 1 44:26
Insight Santa Cruz
2016-12-10 Meeting Suffering -- Ignorance or Trust? 40:34
Insight Santa Cruz
2016-12-06 Five Principles of Inner Safety 15:00
Insight Santa Cruz

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