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gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2024-08-31 Q&A 43:18
Questions are précised: 01:17 Q1 You mentioned during meditation to start with breathing out. I noticed in my own practice that I don't fully breathe out. In fact breathing out intentionally is more exhausting. How can I be more balanced? 12:27 Q2 I have a mental pattern with deep roots, obsessing over details like the entomology of words that arises when I get panicked or upset. This seems to give me some respite from the panic. Can you offer any advice? 19:02 Q3 I feel both sense of fatigue and desire for connection. I'm confused about how to be with this desire because my mind tells me I should go out and connect with other people. But this isn't the point of meditation is it? How can I understand this tension between internal and external needs in this case? 25:03 Q4 In the last retreat I would wake up not knowing who I am and dream about somebody stabbing my heart. These feelings returned when I went back to domestic duties. In my dreams I am lost. How can I move past this black hole? 30:02 Q5 For me it's very difficult to be mindful every minute every second of my daily life. I do my best. It's easier on retreat or in a monastery. Can you comment? 36:17 Q6 The state of becoming entails grasping and craving then suffering. How can one abide in non becoming?
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions
2024-08-03 On intention 29:42
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions
2024-08-03 Cultivating the energy of breathing 17:24
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions
2024-07-19 Fortunate heart energies 47:47
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT)
2024-07-07 Doing, not-doing – entering causality 35:10
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions
2024-07-07 GM - Tuning into the stream of good will. 14:26
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions
2024-06-27 Q&A 51:10
00:08 Q1 You mentioned we should all contemplate/ meditate on death every day. How does one do that? 21:10 Q2 What to do when the ease of well-being and kindness of metta morph into profound awareness of suffering in the world and the lives of loved ones? 37:34 Q3 You wrote in ‘Breathing like a Buddha’ that “Full liberation therefore is equated with breaking the compulsive link between name and form". You mentioned this here as well. Can you re-explain please?
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-27 GM - Using recollection. 40:12
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-27 Daily alignments 55:23
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-27 Voice and chanting guidance (5) 34:37
In this retreat Ajahn offered a series of guidance on voice production and resonant chanting.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-25 Q&A 38:29
00:07 Q1 You use the term energy more than I have heard it used in dhamma discussions. Can you say why it is important? 10:03 Q2 Where would you place craving for stability within the three types of tanha? 16:23 Q3 You said that citta arises from name and form. Can you say more about how and why? 26:37 Q4 How do you think one might continue to cultivate citta as we age and with Alzheimers, dementia etc.? 31:18 Q5 Regarding medically assisted suicide, doesn’t it break the first precept? 36:35 Q6 What are some useful practices for going to sleep?
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-25 Aging out of self and into the deatlless 41:57
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-25 Voice and chanting guidance (4) 22:38
In this retreat Ajahn offered a series of guidance on voice production and resonant chanting.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-23 The four establishments of sati 48:44
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-22 The Tatagata is the escape from the tangles 53:42
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-22 Voice and chanting guidance (3) 31:11
In this retreat Ajahn offered a series of guidance on voice production and resonant chanting.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-21 Q&A 48:53
00:00 Ajahn’s comments about retreat. 01:44 Q1 Could you offer any practice suggestions around eating? 10:55 Q2 How does designation consciousness relate to perception? 18:02 Q3 One is aware of feelings and the teaching on dependent origination. Is it possible to slow down the craving and the clinging that ensues? 24:49 Q4 How does one stay and not jump? 27:46 Q5 Is the citta a sankara? Is the purpose of practice to calm and purify the citta, which seems away of caring for life, or to uproot it and all of the khandhas which has to me a flavour of rejecting life. 37:59 Q6 I struggle with the first noble truth. Spending time with my daughter is certainly transient and structured by I-making. Buddhism says this is dukkha and seeks to change my relationship to experience or its qualities. But to me its value is intrinsic and undeniable. 42:39 Q7 Can one attain liberation or enlightenment without the knowledge of the path leading to it? What's the relationship between knowledge and wisdom?
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-21 Touching the citta's formations 49:33
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-21 Guided voice and chanting (2) 29:10
Ajahn instructs on voice and breath issues and leads chanting of a refuge mantra.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-20 Q&A 46:12
00:16 Q1 I believe you said to not do concentration practices but rather to see if the breath could go deeper or have more calm. Isn't that a form of concentration? And aren't the brahma vihara a form of concentration practice? 18:26 Q2 If attention is a sankara can you suggest how one might let go of it? 29:02 Q3 Regarding the anapanadsati sutta, is it sequential? Must one follow the tetrads in order? 3818 Q4 A person relates some of their meditation experiences and asks if this is a wise reflection.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-20 GM - standing 23:52
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-19 GM - sitting basics 12:55
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-19 Using the khandha 48:03
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-19 Amplifying skilful states 45:20
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance
2024-06-19 Pali sounds - chanting guidance 34:08
Ajahn provides a guide to resonant sound production, Pali pronunciation and leads a mantra.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance

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