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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
2004-03-07 Sharing Of Merit 42:38
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-03-07 The Still, Knowing Centre Of The World 52:16
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-03-05 Satipatthana & Inclining The Mind 62:22
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-24 Letting Go 58:26
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-21 Finding Ones Ground; Pragmatiic Metta 66:39
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-20 Feelings & Perceptions 47:50
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-18 Reflections On The Hindrances 30:13
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-17 No End In Sight! 65:12
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-15 Anapanasati: Fourth Tetrad 51:05
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-13 Anapanasati & The Four Foundations 49:24
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-10 Happiness & Letting Go 49:14
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-09 Skilfulness Of Body, Heart, & Thinking 52:05
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-08 Vitakka & Vicara 37:48
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-08 Standing Meditation 11:09
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-07 Balancing Body, Heart, & Thinking Mind 47:09
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2004-01-06 Right Effort 47:12
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2003-12-31 Talk On New Year's Eve 63:47
2003-12-27 Hiri-Ottappa and Human Relations 61:59
2003-12-07 Taking The Refuges and Precepts 51:55
Gaia House Unseating the Inner Tyrant - a retreat with Ajahn Sucitto
2003-12-06 Dynamics - Locked States 46:35
Gaia House Unseating the Inner Tyrant - a retreat with Ajahn Sucitto
2003-12-06 The Dynamics of Breathing 65:02
Gaia House Unseating the Inner Tyrant - a retreat with Ajahn Sucitto
2003-12-05 Unseating the Inner Tyrant; Guided Meditation 1:29:32
Gaia House Unseating the Inner Tyrant - a retreat with Ajahn Sucitto
2003-11-29 Release 66:23
2003-11-08 Breathing In And Out 64:15
2003-11-02 Silence and Space 36:19

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