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gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
     1 2 3 4 ... 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 ... 107 108 109 110
2007-11-24 The Gift Of Dhamma 45:43
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-23 Guided Metta Meditation 40:57
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-23 Sexual Desire - Meditation In Relationship 50:15
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-22 Ending Of Programs 42:04
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-22 Developing The Big Heart 55:01
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-21 Process Of Fullness 39:31
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-21 Meeting Sankharas 47:01
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-20 Metta To Others As To Myself 23:52
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-20 Walking In Benevolence 18:34
Walking meditation can be difficult because the mind doesn’t feel concentrated, or it can feel oppressive just walking back and forth. But being with the movement of the body, it’s possible to come out of our protective and stiff states, and enjoy the carefree fluidity.
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
In collection: A Moving Balance
2007-11-19 Standing Meditation 18:03
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-19 Breathing Through The Basement 26:27
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-19 Spirit; Samadhi; Living The Dhamma with Q&A 46:52
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-18 Belonging To The Dhamma 50:10
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-17 Firming Up Through Positive Breathing 29:52
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-17 Why Did You Come On Retreat 39:51
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-17 Meeting Our Experience - Holding Awareness 37:25
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-16 Introduction 28:36
Amaravati Monastery November 2007
2007-11-10 Prejudices And Biases 46:34
2007-11-03 Meeting Life With Awareness 35:46
2007-10-25 A Question Of Control 38:59
Cittaviveka Group Retreat
2007-10-24 Practice In Accordance With Dhamma 35:05
Cittaviveka Group Retreat
2007-10-23 Walking Meditation 28:02
Walking helps to shift energies of the mind. The movement of walking holds the mind, helping it give up its preoccupations and come into the body. Breathing in and out, taking one step at a time, the afflicted stirred up energy recedes and you feel yourself in flow. Let your mind rest in that.
Cittaviveka Group Retreat
In collection: A Moving Balance
2007-10-23 A Moving Balance 2:01:01
This is a collection of 9 of Ajahn's earlier dharmaseed files from 2007 to 2021, that give instructions and encouragement on walking meditation. They have been selected to support a book by Ajahn entitled "A Moving Balance". This and other books by Ajahn Sucitto can be downloaded here: Forest Sangha - Books - Ajahn Sucitto
2007-10-20 Be With It - Not In It 43:31
Cittaviveka Group Retreat
2007-10-13 End Of Rains 41:55

     1 2 3 4 ... 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 ... 107 108 109 110
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