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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
     1 2 3 4 ... 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ... 107 108 109 110
2007-09-29 The Mind And The World 48:45
2007-09-22 Truth - The End Of Programs 35:14
2007-09-15 The Gift 27:46
2007-08-11 Falling Awake 48:06
Cittaviveka First Vassa Group Retreat
2007-08-08 A Holiday At Home - 'knowing' meets 'self' 27:50
Cittaviveka First Vassa Group Retreat
2007-08-04 Nudging The Spirit 29:49
Cittaviveka First Vassa Group Retreat
2007-08-03 Deepening Into Impermanence 44:27
Cittaviveka First Vassa Group Retreat
2007-08-02 Concentration As A Return To Centre 41:13
Cittaviveka First Vassa Group Retreat
2007-08-01 Return To The Mind Itself 22:16
Cittaviveka First Vassa Group Retreat
2007-07-21 Being In The Stream Of Dhamma 35:36
Cittaviveka Sankhara
2007-06-30 Training For The Uncondittioned 47:28
Cittaviveka Sankhara
2007-06-24 Effort, Kamma and Dukkha 53:39
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-24 Seven Guidelines For Action 21:35
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-23 Kamma Creates Self 56:16
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-23 Stillness In Action 48:38
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-22 Kamma 69:20
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-22 The Beautiful Process 42:59
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-20 Coming Out Of Auto-Destruction 56:34
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-20 Guided Meditation 13:52
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-20 Questions 40:44
Toronto :  Sankhara
2007-06-17 Caring For Energy 35:47
New York Insight Meditation Center Sankhara
2007-06-17 Home, Rythm And Heart 45:27
New York Insight Meditation Center Sankhara
2007-06-17 Questions 44:05
New York Insight Meditation Center Sankhara
2007-06-16 Connecting To Breathing 24:32
New York Insight Meditation Center Sankhara
2007-06-16 Educating The Breath 6:41
New York Insight Meditation Center Sankhara

     1 2 3 4 ... 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ... 107 108 109 110
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