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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
2006-08-05 Tools of Practice 37:50
2006-07-30 Guided Meditation - External Kindness 40:05
2006-07-29 Bearing Presence with Ourselves 36:59
Can we be willing to be in the dualistic experience of me and other without understanding it, controlling it, needing it to be complete? Bear presence with the disturbances, not just witnessing, but with anukampa – trembling with. Feel it in the body, in the heart, empathize with it. Experience the roots of experience and it becomes simple.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-23 Beautiful In The Beginning, Middle, & End 21:43
Beautiful in the beginning, beautiful in the middle, beautiful in the end. This is one of the expressions of the Dhamma. Puja is one skillful means for expressing this beauty – uprightness of posture, steadiness of presence, chanting, praising, beautiful intention.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-21 Purifying Intent 48:28
This teaching encompasses all forms of experience, and the liberation from it all. Held with right intention, forms can be used for their benefits without clinging to them. Use forms – the body, the monastery – as props, to purify intention.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-20 Absolute Honesty - Grasping, Self, & Personhood 55:33
There is some kind of personhood that is enriched, that realizes. This is different from self, which is imagined, generated out of grasping. Come out of the story line of self, and into basic presence. A purification of this personhood – resilience, strength, clarity, heartfulness – comes about naturally as we meditate.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-19 Guided Meditation - Lifting The Heart 42:36
The process of samādhi is as important as anything else, wherever the process lands. Give priority to 3 fundamental roots: inclination towards kindness/well-being; protection/warding off what’s harmful; letting go of sense contact.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-18 The Precious Flaw 42:21
Meditation is not about getting any particular state or feeling. It’s about knowing what’s happening without getting bonded to it. Only by handling experience is there freedom. What we handle is our precious, necessary flaw – our suffering. Meet it and know it as Mara.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-17 The Person And The Undefinable 60:58
A reflection on the theme of being a person without a self. Only working with what can be defined – knowing what is skillful and unskillful, what causes suffering and what causes non-suffering. Far more than the benefit of calm, you’re then working with the roots of this personhood, learning how to handle aspects of the person without constructing a self.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-16 Resonating With Suchness 26:45
The capacity of the resonant mind to listen, to be empathetic, is tremendously helpful. It’s what we set up in puja. The mundane is held in a blessed way. Things we didn’t know we needed to be felt are felt – it goes beyond words.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-16 The Whole Person - Integrating Bodily/Emotive/Rational Patterns 56:13
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-16 Guided Meditation On Energetics - Deepening Ground 47:57
In meditation the ground has to be both clear and enjoyable. Make a joyful kind of effort. Refer to breathing to give focus; refer to the physical when the mind spins out. Track energy along the chakras – expand it, spread it around. May this be well.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-16 The Whole Person - integrating bodily, emotive, rational patterns 56:14
A teaching on the faculties of body, speech and mind and their patterning, saṇkhāra. In meditation, we work with the energy of these patternings. Clear and soothe body energies with breathing, and heart energies open. Upright presence of body allows us to remain attuned with the madness of the mind.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-14 Hindrances & Entering The Place Of Presence 60:04
There’s a glow and energizing effect to the hindrances that we’re attracted to. But if we lose presence in their pursuit, we don’t notice how they burn us. Samadhi is the overcoming of this, the coming into presence. The stages of samadhi cultivation are described, grounding the heart in the body so doesn’t rush out with feeling.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-13 Guided Meditation - Opening To The Sense Of 'other' 21:04
The tendency is to conceive ourselves as being a separate entity; yet, we’re always in something. There is something around us without which we wouldn’t survive. Practice sensing into the ‘us-ness’, the sense of me and something else. Mindfulness of body and breathing support this practice.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-13 Steadying Presence - Breathing Where You Are 46:58
With breathing we are coming into different aspect of body, the energy body. Feel the internal body with reference to breathing. Use the thinking mind to keep pointing – where am I? Heart picks up feelings of space, gladness ease. Body, heart mind work together to clear kammic disturbances in the energy field. Walking instructions at the end.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-12 Guided Meditation - Posture 17:51
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-12 Connecting Body To Mind In Terms Of Energy 44:39
The kind of effort energy that is often brought to ‘trying to meditate’ lacks balance. Guidance is given to establish a steady upright posture with the external frame of the body. Energy is sensed at chakra centers to support its free flow through the body.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-12 Guided Meditation – Posture 17:37
Guidance to use attention to set up a steady, relaxed frame. Breathing sustains a sense of flow throughout, clearing blocked areas.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-07-10 Selfless Persons 65:18
On this Path, there is release, and there is also awakening into something vaster. Wherever suffering occurs, that’s the place of release. Apply yourself to the restricted places, and effortlessly, the revelation arises.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2006 Group Retreat
2006-06-17 Glorious Failure 57:54
Over time we experience of the limitations of body and mind. What we rely on doesn’t actually work. Life is a failure, but we can make it a glorious failure. The practice of Dhamma-Vinaya helps keep the spirit bright and impeccable in what we do. Dhamma means to establish ethical clarity, mindfulness, lovingkindness; Vinaya is bringing these ideals and aspirations forth into a living context.
2006-06-03 Process of Release 58:23
2006-05-14 Fame, Ignomy, and the Sense of Confidence (Vesakha Celebration) 1:16:40
2006-05-06 Rewiring the Energetic System 59:16
Our energy systems can often feel burnt-out, depleting our vitality and potential. Attempts to re-energize can end up continually infecting us. Rewire the energetic lines through brahmavihara and samadhi cultivation. These culminate in awakening factors, and ultimately in awakening. A video version is here:
2006-04-22 Opening, Suffusing, Releasing 61:06
A lot of suffering is related to a particular mode of doing, an involuntary overwhelming doing. Through mediation we cultivate a different way. By shifting the mind to presence, mind opens to a subtler aspect of doing on the feeling, subjective level – suffusing. We come out of the grip of how we usually attend. This is release.

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