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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
2006-04-15 Cultivating Conscience and Concern 61:27
2006-04-01 Don't Count the Bricks 1:12:28
2005-12-31 Talk On New Year's Eve 43:58
2005-07-05 Talk In Berkeley 57:08
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2005-06-05 Unseating The Inner Tyrant 62:08
Overcoming inner self-criticism.
New York Insight Meditation Center
2005-04-30 How, Not What - Life As Rhythm 36:35
Grasping experiences life as "things." This brings stress. To handle radical insubstantiality, we attune to rhythm, energy—breathing.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-29 Meditation Processes 57:32
Finding a base in the present and releasing into the flow of experience.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-28 Cleansing The Heart Of Impression 1:19:21
Contact brings impressions into the heart, which gets retrained at an involuntary level and affect our immediate response to life in terms of fear, mistrust, desire. There are ways of clearing this—the result is joy.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-27 Working With Sankhara 64:50
We experience life through somatic, emotive, & psychological sensitivity that adopts patterns. Practice is about releasing old afflicted patterns.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-27 Signs To Annul Negativity 55:11
2005-04-26 Morning Instructions: Tactile & Somatic Awareness 46:41
An aspect of our Kammic patterning is the mode of consciousness that is selected to process experience—normally this is visual or conceptual. If we use the tactile consciousness it has an emotive resonance and truer response.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-25 Embodied Language - The Elements 53:29
Grasping affects the way we conceive experience: "Head Language," "Body Language." Body language is freer from reactions, assumptions, interpretations.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-25 Embodiment: Handling Dukkha 61:26
By spreading awareness through the "field" of the body, we can establish a ground to limit, curtail and discharge the Dukkha of life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-24 Breathing - The Kamma Of Meditation 49:34
Meditation as a way of purifying Kamma - brings clarity, assurance, and good heart in a simple, intimate way.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-24 Non-Attachment Is Presence, Not Absence 54:30
Non-attachment is not to be confused with avoidance, spacing out, losing connection to what is happening.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-23 Breathing, Body, Speech, & Mind 69:43
Embodying the mind - mindfulness of body - counteracts the effects of "loss" (ignorance). Loss is loss of presence - accompanied by either tightening or collapsing.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-23 Recollection Of Death And Of Buddha 50:53
Recollection connects the thinking mind and heart and generates felt values for inspiration, clarity, and blessing.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-22 Overview Of Embodied Mind 65:33
"Citta" - The center of awareness extends through thinking, emotion, and somatic senses. Dhamma practice covers all these.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2005-04-16 Farewell Talk 2 59:24
2005-04-09 Farewell Talk 1 52:57
2005-04-02 Restraint - Doorway To Freedom 47:30
2005-03-31 Self and the Plane of Becoming 59:11
The larger plane of becoming is potent with tendencies that give rise to the person. This person becomes formed from our worries, fears, compulsions – it’s a restricted self. We practice widening into that larger citta realm and cultivating enlightenment factors to form around instead. This is how we take responsibility for what we put out into the world, and to change our kamma.
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2005-03-27 Guided Meditation - Standing Meditation 37:49
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2005-03-16 Ultimate Stability 53:14
We seek stability in this ongoing pageant of being where we only find relative stability, maybe. Ultimate stability is found through non-feeding, relinquishing. This holy life is lived to be freed from being. Suffering comes about from clinging; the end of grasping is the end of suffering.
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
2005-03-12 Ceasing of Self 47:22
The world is on fire with becoming. It’s not so deliberate or conscious, but an involuntary reflex. Hold the spacious openness rather than the objects, notice how things shift, change and pass through. It’s not actually oneself, it’s patterning. In Dhamma practice these patterns have to be exposed so they can be seen compassionately, spaciously, calmly and allowed to unfold and give their energy back into awareness.
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

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