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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Joseph Goldstein's Dharma Talks
Joseph Goldstein
I have two main aims in teaching. The first is to spread the dharma as widely as possible, offering it to as many different people as I can. The second is to teach a smaller number of people over sustained periods of time. This in-depth teaching engages my tremendous love for intensive, long-term meditation practice, where people can immerse themselves in the retreat experience and see how it transforms their understanding.
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2023-07-23 Sunday's Dedicated Questions & Responses with Joseph 1:29:48
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat
2023-07-22 Saturday's Short Sitting & Dharma Talk 1:15:33
Focus: Equanimity
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat
2023-07-21 Friday's Sitting Meditation with Instructions & Questions/ Responses 1:13:08
Focus: Breath & Introduction to Walking Instructions
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat
2023-05-16 Understanding Karma 1:11:12
Exploring some of the subtleties and nuances of the law of karma
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening
2023-05-14 Questions and responses. 62:36
Discussing a wide variety of topics.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening
2023-05-13 Instructions on working with thoughts 50:18
Exploring habits of attention; recognizing patterns; investigating the nature of thought itself.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening
2023-05-12 Liberation teachings for daily life 1:10:42
The challenge for us as laypeople practicing the dharma is to connect with the depth of the Buddha’s teachings on liberation in the midst of our daily life activities. This talk offers both a theoretical framework and practical exercises for putting these teachings into practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening
2023-04-24 The Map of Wisdom: A Conversation with Joseph Goldstein on the Core Buddhist Teachings 1:32:03
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Map of Wisdom: A Conversation with Joseph Goldstein on the Core Buddhist Teachings
2022-11-20 Q&A 66:43
Variety of Dharma topics
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2
2022-09-05 Dreaming Ourselves Into Existence: Dukkha, Non-Self, and Waking Up 1:34:50
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies

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