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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-09-21 Mindfulness, hindrances and development 46:21
Amma Thanasanti
Overview of the foundations of mindfulness. The hindrances are observed as part of the 4th foundation. Understanding the hindrances both in terms of how they need to be kept in balance as as expressions of development.
Shakti Vihara Portal to Pure Presence

2015-09-20 Knowing what you need 53:42
Amma Thanasanti
Dealing with the human form and its physical, emotional needs requires care and discernment. Two instructions- observe what is arising and go where you feel comfortable. How do you know when to observe and when to be proactive?
Shakti Vihara Portal To Pure Presence

2015-09-20 Walking The Path 49:34
Greg Scharf
An exploration of the 4 Noble Truths using the 8 -Fold Path as a framework for understanding how practice unfolds.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2015-09-20 What Is It that We Do When We Meditate 56:07
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2015-09-20 Being With Life, Not Just Dealing With It. 33:34
Jose Reissig
Sure, we need to do both. The problem is that the dealing usually takes over, leaving no room for intimacy with the world, and with ourselves.
Rhinebeck Sitting Group :  Rhinebeck Sitting Group Retreat

2015-09-19 Opening to Life 52:09
Mary Grace Orr
Stepping out of our stories.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body

2015-09-19 Clinging and Freedom From Clinging 55:25
Kate Munding
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2015-09-19 Precious Human Birth 48:06
Amma Thanasanti
First talk of the retreat. The range of human experience includes choices based on greed, hatred and confusion or non green, non hatred and non confusion. There are many fortunate conditions that give someone faculties to hear to Dhamma, contemplate, practice a gradual path of awakening. Yet there are times when the path changes suddenly and we can feel groundless. Both the gradual and sudden aspects of the path are part of what we develop and realize as part of understanding the preciousness of our human birth.
Shakti Vihara Portal to Pure Presence

2015-09-19 Body Scanning with Gratitude 44:49
Christiane Wolf
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body

2015-09-19 The Joy of Samadhi 2:56:11
Nikki Mirghafori
The practice of samatha leads to a state of samadhi, where the mind is stable, bright, not distracted and spacious.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Joy Of Samadhi

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